Sun.Star Baguio



ness there was some outrage (did you hear it?), the Richter Scale found the intensity wanting. If there was, their righteous defense (if any) wasn’t media worthy, sensationa­l or as self righteous as media’s tirade against the Digong and even Manny Pacquiao.

Maybe, we should endeavor to answer this simple question and labor to answer with the mindset that heaven’s agents are in our midst continuall­y weighing our hearts’ contents and records our deeds. We are never on earth forever. My question is, “Who is really more important in plain sight: the man who appointed a representa­tive or his alleged representa­tive? The principal or his agent? The Lord or his vicar?”

The principal is of course superior than the agency.

In this politicall­y correct world, it was perplexing that no one had taken the cudgels for the Messiah who was openly blasphemed in the internatio­nal media. It’s not as if that the One who is the Almighty and the Most Holy needs another defender. He really does not need one although he makes use of a soundboard. A mouthpiece to elucidate on earth is enough.

In this context, if Mel Gibson’s rendition of the Messiah’s suffering in the movie Passion of Christ is an accurate picture of what the Lord went through to bring about the great deliveranc­e from the slavery of sin, McGregor’s suffering on the floor was a big joke. He got choked.

If according to the Passion of Christ, the Jewish Messiah held his ground against the scourging in the hands of the hunky Roman centurions (without throwing a counterpun­ch); mustered strength to carry the wooden cross outside the city on the way to Golgotha and managed stay alive to deliver his “last seven words” to Mary, John and his other disciples while hanging on the cross, what makes the cocky Connor McGregor think he could ever win.

In the final analysis, a match up to determine whether he’d whip the Messiah’s ass was no longer necessary. A mere man, Nate Diaz upset the Connor McGregor who had won 15 consecutiv­e UFC bouts. Against a lowly, he wasn’t good enough to win and earn a ticket against the Messiah. Of course, he must have forgotten that the Jesus is sole conqueror of death and the grave. In a world where nothing is impossible, the donkey on which the Messiah sat might even score a win against the cocky McGregor with a big kick.

How do they say it when one quits inside the Octagon? Tapped out. Is that correct? Well, Connor McGregor tapped out. His stature was humbled. In his humanity, he tapped out.

The Roman Lent having passed and the Jewish Passover approachin­g, this may be one of the lessons we should never forget. A voice speaks from heaven to earth. Every word spoken is recorded in eternity and weighed. An accounting for every letter uttered is to be given

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