Sun.Star Baguio

Cleaning the posters


WITH less than three weeks before the May 2016 Presidenti­al Polls, political campaign parapherna­lia continue to sprout in all corners of the city.

Despite the rules on placing posters, many local and national candidates still fail to follow the directives of the Commission on Elections.

Long before the start of the campaign, Comelec has already issued guidelines on where to place campaign materials and what their size is. But it seems, our supposed future leaders, or their campaigner­s fail to abide the law.

In the Philippine setting, these situations are not new at all. Every election, there will always be these hard-headed aspirants, or even those seeking to be re-elected who fail to follow the Comelec guidelines.

Recently Comelec reported more than 3,000 illegally placed or oversized posters were removed in Baguio and Benguet, through ‘Oplan Baklas’.

Out of the posters removed, 2,480 posters were of local candidates while the remaining 755 were posters of national candidates. 1,436 were oversized while 1,044 were illegally posted.

The big question now lies if these candidates are sincere in serving their constituen­ts when they can’t event hold their campaigner liable for placing campaign materials illegally.

Will this be the kind of leaders that we will be electing on May 9 and do these individual­s deserve to be seated in high positions and lead the country?

Many would start to think, however many will stand their ground and also keep their support despite these politicos not following simple rules.

Perhaps, we as a citizen of this country can rethink of our votes and be responsibl­e that on May 9, we elect or put to power those who follow simple rules after all, example is not the main thing in influencin­g others, it is the only thing according to Albert Schweitzer.

Basing on the Comelec’s report, local electorate­s vying for the different positions in the city are remiss in following rules. If they can’t even clean up their ranks, then how can our leaders be good example to us.

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