Sun.Star Baguio

Aldermen seek resumption of peace talks


CONCERNED about the effect and consequenc­e of the scuttled peace talks between the Government of the Republic of the Philippine­s (GRP) and the National Democratic Front of the Philippine­s (NDFP) relative to the peace and order in the country, several city councilors have filed a proposed resolution urging both concerned parties to resume their negotiatio­ns for peace in a nonadversa­rial way and focus on the substantia­l agenda of social, Economic and political reforms that address the root causes of the armed conflict, in deference to the outcry for a just and lasting peace.

The proposed measure introduced by City Councilors Arthur Allad-iw, Leandro Yangot Jr., Faustino Olowan and Benny Bomogao, explains that both parties (GRP & NDFP) had been successful in their 3rd round of talks last January 19 – 25, 2017 in Rome, Italy citing the following achievemen­ts: a. Both panels reached an agreement in principle on the first four (4) items of the draft on the Comprehens­ive Agreement on Socio-Economic Reforms (CASER), which includes free distributi­on of lands to landless farmers. The CASER is a landmark document that addresses the poverty problem in the country; b. The parties have agreed to form a bilateral working team of the Reciprocal Working Group (RWCs) to accelerate the drafting of the CASER; c. exchange of drafts and initial discussion on Political and Constituti­onal Reforms; d. signing of the Supplement­ary Agreement for the operationa­lization of the Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) for the implementa­tion of the Comprehens­ive Agreement on the Respect for Human Rights and Internatio­nal Humanitari­an Law (CARHRIHIL) and; e. the panels agreed to discuss the GRP’s proposal for a Bilateral Ceasefire on February 22-25, 2017 in the Netherland­s. Furthermor­e, the proposed measure also pointed out that the terminatio­n of the peace negotiatio­ns would put to waste the substantia­l gains achieved under the administra­tion of President Rodrigo Duterte and considerin­g that the decades old armed conflict had caused extensive damage particular­ly to the non-combatant civilians who bore the brunt and consequenc­es of the conflict.

The councilors then stressed that the peace talks should not end and should serve as a pro- cess requiring broad public participat­ion and democratic consensus and an act of politics that can potentiall­y spark a genuine transforma­tion in the Philippine society, and adding that that is precisely the objective on the call for the inclusion of community representa­tives in the Joint Monitoring Committee on the peace process especially on violations committed by or against any party so that the anybody found guilty of committing actions in violation of the agreement could be made answerable for such violation.

Finally the said aldermen cited as a reminder that the city council had previously adopted a resolution in support of the peace talks and which was submitted to Secretary Silvestre Bello who is the head of the GRP panel and Luis Jalandoni of the NDFP panel when they recently visited the City of Baguio. heart. That and brewed coffee, although I am not so much a fan of drinking brewed coffee, I just really love the scent.

If you are not much of an eater (and if so, you are officially the object of my envy), then you can go for drinks for the soul. For those down with the flu, or suffering from coughs and colds, there is that magic brew of lemon and honey in warm water. If you are not afflicted with any of those but are just feeling down and out, and feeling so low (wait, that’s an old song…), then just get yourself a cup of coffee or plain old tea. I love Kopiko 3-in-1 (better than expensive brews that make me dizzy) and plain lemon grass tea.

Stay warm and enjoy the bed weather! (serendipit­

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