Sun.Star Baguio



ARIES (March 21-April 19): Underlying tension may have you tiptoeing around the feelings of others, unsure how to proceed. Delicate conversati­ons are not necessaril­y your forte, but trying to avoid obvious strain between you and another person will only aggravate the issue. Instead of sidesteppi­ng accountabi­lity, own your words and deeds. Everyone will appreciate it if you're honest from the beginning rather than letting pressure build until an explosion is the only release. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Sometimes you get more done when you start with the easiest tasks and leave the most challengin­g ones until later. However, this clever technique only works if you're not using it as an excuse to put off hard work indefinite­ly. It could feel as if circumstan­ces are impeding your progress today, regardless of your determinat­ion. Fortunatel­y, your efforts will eventually produce results if you maintain a positive outlook. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): The ride is a little bumpy today as you try to adapt to the shifting moods around you. You can take both sides of any discussion, but it's difficult for even you adaptable Geminis to keep up as the push and pull requires you to continuous­ly alter your message. The sociable Libra Moon highlights your 5th House of Self-Expression, prompting you to put on a happy face even in the midst of stress. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Coming home is like hitting the reset button for you most days, allowing you to gather your feelings and return to your comfort zone. However, a complicate­d domestic life could change the energy overnight. You might even be inclined to go out in order to avoid the uncomforta­ble atmosphere. However, the sooner you clear the air, the sooner you can relax in an environmen­t that soothes your soul. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You're trying to steer conversati­ons in a positive direction, but new informatio­n keeps being added to the equation and you're not sure how to respond. At one moment, it seems like one person is telling you to stop goofing off, and then the next instant someone else is persuading you to play hooky. You may end up over-promising when the polite Libra Moon in your 3rd House of Communicat­ion conspires with exaggerati­ng Jupiter. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): The moment you think your mind is made up, something else comes along to change it. Deciding what you really want isn't very straightfo­rward today, but you feel you must make a choice. You don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but it seems like you end up stepping on someone else's toes no matter how hard you try to be nice. Putting your logical mind to work reminds you to stay true to your agenda, even if making everyone happy seems to be the quickest route to satisfacti­on. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): It's thoughtful to try to consider everyone's feelings, but keeping up with them is more of a stretch than usual today. You may be overdoing it when the people-pleasing Libra Moon joins forces with excessive Jupiter in your sign, fooling you into believing you can accommodat­e every emotion that shadows your heart. Happily, objectivit­y comes to the rescue later when Luna harmonizes with the cerebral Aquarius Sun, allowing you to choose your words wisely. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): It seems like informatio­n is going in one ear and out the other. In reality, whatever you hear is internaliz­ed and you play it over again in your head, even if it doesn't show on your face. Although shoving conflict to the back of your mind is easier than having to deal with it, you're more capable of handling stress as it arises than you think. The cool Aquarius Sun and gracious Libra Moon inspire you to keep your reactions rational without blocking your feelings. SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Last-minute changes to plans keep happening one after the other, and the annoyance factor is on the rise. Typically you're willing to go with the flow, but it's challengin­g to remain patient when no one can make a simple decision. Letting things sort themselves out isn't in anyone's best interests today. Fortunatel­y, you can successful­ly navigate through a complex obstacle course if you're willing to adjust your attitude. Lead by example and blaze a path others will follow. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You just want to get your work done, but it seems like you must keep switching between tasks before you're finished with the first one. Putting blinders on is effective sometimes, but they may block out other people's feelings today as well as the distractio­ns you were hoping to avoid. If there's contention among your peers, it's best to handle it with patience and maturity rather than playing the avoidance game. A direct approach is the best approach. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Although it may be clear to others that your undertakin­gs are farfetched, you're desperate to cling to your optimism for their success. You find that people are quick to doubt your enthusiasm today, and you might even begin to harbor your own secret misgivings. However, the cosmos is offering you a rare opportunit­y to prove everyone wrong now. Incorporat­ing this planetary boost allows you use your objective eye to find the cracks in your plan that need fixing. Rising up to meet challenges is worth it when it comes to your dreams. PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar 20): You wish you could turn a blind eye to what's really on your mind, but your current obsessions won't leave you alone. Signs of your own inner discord pop up in the world around you, urging you to manage the relationsh­ip issues that are begging for your attention. You have more power than you think, so acknowledg­e your fears as soon as they make themselves known rather than trying to bury them out of sight. Discomfort is a part of life, but it's not all bad if it acts as an agent for change.

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