Sun.Star Baguio

Strategies to freak out inner peace


THE KEY to health and happiness is learning to surf the stresses in your life, not eliminate them.

Resiliency strategies can help you stand against stress. Interestin­gly, like beauty, stress is in the eye of the beholder. That is if we don’t perceive an event stressful, we’re less prone to stress related illness.

While stress is in our daily life, stress debriefing methods can help in keeping up with the daily stresses. Relaxation through meditation by getting comfortabl­e and relaxing the muscles, show interestin­g responses in both

the brain and the immune system that exhibit a more robust, healthy processing of emotion and positive effects in terms of immune function.

By focusing on your breath while relaxing, by imagining that every in-breath brings in peace and calm, every out-breath carries away tension and anxiety. When you feel tension; take three or four abdominal breaths while counting 1-4 when you inhale then count backwards 4-1 as the air rolls back and to calm you down.

Stopping you from freaking-out and shifting to a stress-free zone, freeze-frame a stressful feeling and don’t stifle the feeling, just set it aside for a moment as if hitting a “pause” button. Focus your energy on that situation and then recall a positive feeling and try to re-experience it and ask yourself for a new creative response to the situation that will minimize future stress.

Our bodies react to what we imagine as if it were real. Guided imagery uses meditation to magnify this power of suggestion. Whenever you’re feeling stressed or in need of a specific health boost,

focus and may listen to music or last weekend’s activities where you are comfortabl­e with, this will help you get yourself in a trancelike state then visualize the changes you want in your body as if they were already happening, because when we imagine the body recreate the conditions. These remembered wellness is also the reason our certainty reminds us what it feels like, and our bodies relive the experience.

If visualizat­ion of a peaceful scenario is not possible, you can create a physical cue to use for serenity. By putting your hand in your heart or use guided imagery every time you meditate will eventually trigger relaxation, and help you create your classical conditioni­ng or your “pavlovian bell” to be in that tension-free space.

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