Sun.Star Baguio

Solo parent perks sought

- Maria Elena Catajan Sun*Star Reporter

MORE help for solo parents is underway.

A seven day additional leave may not be the sole benefit of a solo parent under city laws as vice mayor Edison Bilog and Councilor Faustino Olowan are moving to have discounts for those with incomes under P250,000.

Both aldermen have filed ordinances which seek to give solo parents and their children additional benefits over and above that which is offered in Republic Act No. 8972.

Bilog said the measure is intended to help solo parents “I would move for the deletion of the income requiremen­t of the ordinance so all solo parents whatever their annual income, should be able to avail of the discounts.”

Under the solo parent act a provision of services, benefits, and privileges for solo parents and their children.

A solo parent, as defined is an unmarried

mother or father who has preferred to keep and rear children instead of having others care for them or give them up to a welfare institutio­n.

Parent left solo or alone with the responsibi­lity of parenthood due to the following circumstan­ces; to death of spouse, spouse is detained or is serving sentence; Physical or mental incapacity of spouse, legal separation or de facto separation; declaratio­n of nullity or annulment of marriage

The DSWD facilitate­s acquisitio­n of solo parent identifica­tion cards as well as validation of in informatio­n by applicants.

A 7-day leave is given to solo parents over and above the mandated leaves given by companies.

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