Sun.Star Baguio

Parents can help their children get better grades


CAN parents’ interest in his child’s assignment change the latter’s performanc­e?

Should a parent attempt to teach his child at home? Where should help start and where should it stop?

How parent find out his child’s problem exists, what the problem is, what kind of assistance of help is needed, and how to go about providing this help at home?

The following are the steps on how can parent can help his child get better grades in school.

Time means love- Set aside a regular block of time to your child. Make a commitment and stay with it.If necessary turn down appointmen­ts. Let your child know and feel you are interested in him. A parent’s attitude toward his child’s work in school and his enthusiasm play a vital role in the child’s success. Always think about the positive message that will be sent to your child.

A good environmen­t sets the stage-It is a great inspiratio­n for the child to live in a home where books are held in high esteem-where he sees books being bought, discussed, brought from the library. Choose a place where you will do work with the child together. When you are ready to discuss or work together, eliminate distractio­ns.

Make room for laughter-Happiness is the vital ingredient of success. Various studies and researches have proven that it is difficult, it not possible for an unhappy, anxious child perform well in school.

Help the child acquire sound study habits-Help him settle on a regular study period and stick on it, it will help him study not only in the same place. Accept you child pace-Don’t overdo it the younger the child the shorter and attention sapn. You want the child to ask for more, not beg you to stop.

Teach the child how to find informatio­n-When children ask tough questions about a topic in the book, be truthful, parent’s interest in his child’s school work can change the latter’s performanc­e. His attention and love will redound in the child’s good grades. Help the child child learn to listen. Give the gift of approval when your child shares any experience, listen carefully and respond positively. By Nympha D. Albacio

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