Sun.Star Baguio

Café by the Ruins closes


A SMALL group of well-wishers gathered for the last time at Café by the Ruins along Chuntog Street, fronting City Hall, to close an era of good times.

Journalist­s, artists, writers, poets, beloved customers, friends, friends of friends and family gathered for the

final ritual performed at the site asking for blessings and giving thanks for their mantle of protection for 29 years.

Second generation owner, Feliz Perez, read a statement as she called each of the staff of the café to come forward and be recognized for their loyalty and service to the iconic hangout of the city which drew solemn cheers from the familiar crowd who gathered for one last lunch.

“Today, this chapter in the ledger of Café by the Ruins closes. The company will open its next enterprise in another environmen­t, we would like to thank our ancestors for their protection as we grew up in this place. We thank our friends who have become our customers and our customers who have become our friends. We are grateful for the good times and appreciate the trials placed on our path. Thank you all for the blessings that have made Café by the Ruins what it is – a most beloved restaurant,” Perez said.

The café has been managed by Tootsie Angara, Celestina Arvisu, Jasmine Cabrera, Tana Villanueva, Andre Sebor, Miguel Santos, Lia Llamado after taking the reins from Baboo Mondonedo, Christine Arvisu, Dave Baradas, Roberto Villanueva, Ben Cabrera, Boy Yuchengco, Su O’Donnell, Louie Llamado and Laida Lim.

Months ago, the Cafe was gutted by a quick spreading blaze which torched the famous restaurant.

“The partner owners of the Café and its original creators have decided to move on to another location, as this chapter on the history of the Ruins closes, we look forward to new doors opening,” Perez added. Maria Elena Catajan

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