Sun.Star Baguio

Ghosts in the house


IT IS almost funny how, through Feng Shui Flying Stars Analysis, one can mathematic­ally compute where ghosts stay in a house. It can even say if the ghost is a man, or a woman, and sometimes, their age.

Take the case of several houses we did Feng Shui analysis for recently.

In one home, Aa said the ghost's presence was strongest towards the back of the house. The area he referred to was the alley between 2 rooms and the bathroom.

Our clients confirmed this, and when Aa said the ghostly presence was a male, they confirmed this too.

Aa asked the owners to keep the light on always in that area, and to install the cure.

They turned on the lights, but we saw that the color was orangey, and only strengthen­ed the ghostly energies. Aside from the cure, they were advised to change the color of the light to weaken the haunting there.

In another home, Aa's hairs stood on end when he spied a painting of a woman with strange eyes. This was in a dark room that hardly let natural light in. The furniture in this room was also dark, so were the heavy curtains.

Unfortunat­ely, he called me to look at that ghostly painting. This gave me a fright, and for a while, I could not close my eyes without envisionin­g this. Chiara was wiser, choosing to stay in the bright living room.

What was most unfortunat­e was that this artwork was in the direction that harbored the energies that cause haunting.

Another home we went to showed that the ghostly energies made their appearance at the center of the house. This, coupled with a negative star at the front door, explained the chilly air in that area, or why some sensitive visitors sighted an otherworld­ly presence lurking there.

In one home we went to, they had a very large tree towards the back of the house that activated these ghostly presences. It was not possible to cut down the tree, but by installing the cures, the presence can be kept quiet.

Another involved a white lady at the 2nd floor of the house. The combinatio­n of flying stars indicated female energies, as well as the route she usually took when she did her haunting. Our client confirmed this, too.

What is uncanny is how accurate these ghostly locations had been pinpointed based on the flying stars chart.

Sometimes, ghostly visits can be attributed to the monthly and yearly visiting stars, which is why there are ghosts that only appear at a certain period or a certain month. Usually, it is a combinatio­n of 2 negative Flying stars that gives rise to this.

There are several crystals that can diminish the presence of ghosts in a home. One of our favorites, a combinatio­n of an included Quartz and fire energy crystals, provide a gateway that allows the spirits to move into the light.

Other crystals have proven to be effective protection against negative paranormal energy.

See us if you've been having ghostly experience­s. We are open from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm daily, Monday to Saturday.

Check out our website at www.lightcatch­erscrystal­ Chiara's website is www.lightofthe­

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