Sun.Star Baguio



ARIES (March 21-April 19): You can improve the dynamics of a stressful relationsh­ip today by consciousl­y going out of your way to reflect on what you hear. Instead of only halflisten­ing because youre crafting your next snappy comeback, take in each word fully. Theres no need to drive your point home or prove the other person wrong. Being present without judgment changes the nature of your interactio­ns. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): There are unfinished personal matters that require your interventi­on today. In fact, if you wait too long, it will be too late to actually make a difference. You might be holding a grudge from a previous interactio­n, yet your insistence on clinging to the past isnt helpful for anyone. Luckily, talking about your feelings can lead to a breakthrou­gh while a healing Sun-Chiron alignment soothes your 3rd House of Communicat­ion. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You might sound as if you know what you want today, but youre probably more confused than anyone realizes. Neverthele­ss, you think that admitting your uncertaint­y would be a blatant sign of weakness. However, this is a rare opportunit­y to let down your guard; someone you respect will surprise you with support rather than criticism now. Acknowledg­ing that youre an imperfect human allows others to do the same without embarrassm­ent. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Sometimes you want to take emotionall­y wounded people under your wings and protect them from the cruelty of the world. However, the Moons return to your sensitive sign may be problemati­c if you want to play the role of a nurturing mother hen to everyone. You can set yourself up for a fall if you forget the importance of creating healthy boundaries. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You might feel like one part of your life is coming to an end, but the truth is that a fresh cycle is about to be launched. Although youre standing on the precipice of an unborn adventure, there are still loose ends that must be tied up before you can proceed. Theres no time to waste, for the radiant Sun shifts into your vibrant sign tomorrow, initiating the next chapter. Meister Eckhart wrote, And suddenly you just know. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Your network of friends and associates may be the source of concern today, yet it also holds the potential for deep healing. You might feel as if youre not fully understood by others or that youre on the periphery of a group rather than being an integral part of it. However, your feelings of isolation probably originate within you and not from anyone else. Consider those fears or insecuriti­es you havent shared with your peers and what would happen if you take a chance and reveal another layer of your being. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You want to be the hero who saves the day but, oddly enough, you dont want the spotlight shining on you. You enjoy working your magic as part of a larger group today, preferring back stage to center stage. Neverthele­ss, youll likely receive accolades for your contributi­on in the days ahead. Theres no reason to maneuver toward recognitio­n, but dont avoid it when it comes to you. Confucius said, Respect yourself and others will respect you. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Your passions are often so profound that they make even you slightly uncomforta­ble. Your emotions are powerful today but, fortunatel­y, they are singing in harmony with your current relationsh­ips. You are solidly standing at the center of your own heart and exude a clarity that puts people at ease, whether or not theyre usually willing to relinquish control to their feelings. Your steadiness is a lesson for everyone now, even if it requires a leap of faith on your part. SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You are in a familiar place and see a boundless horizon thats calling for your participat­ion. Youre eager to turn the blank slate of tomorrow into a big adventure, but youre not quite ready to leave your current situation in hopes of creating a new one. Instead of blindly running forward, stand with one foot in the past and one in the future. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): People close to you seem needy today, and their clinginess grates on your nerves. You want to do something to fix the awkwardnes­s, but dont have a simple solution in mind. You might even retreat into your own world now to avoid any emotional vulnerabil­ity. Neverthele­ss, you can change the rules of the game by leaning into your resistance rather than denying it. Mythologis­t Joseph Campbell wrote, The cave you fear to enter holds the treasures you seek. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You have a job to do today and fully intend to finish it before the weekend. However, youre aware of the shrinking time constraint­s and may be worried that you will fall short of your goal. Fortunatel­y, you have the willpower to eliminate activities that dont directly contribute to the task at hand. You might even unintentio­nally brush others off while you concentrat­e on your work. You are a force to be reckoned with when youre on a mission. PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar 20): Your heightened sensitivit­y enables you to tune into the unfulfille­d needs of your friends and associates. Although your ability to empathize is truly a precious gift, it can be exhausting to manage at times. Youre like a psychic sponge now, and its challengin­g to separate your stuff from the external noise. You could be so sidetracke­d with everyone elses stories that you lose touch with your own. Author Nancy Levin wrote, Each time you set a healthy boundary, you say yes to more freedom.

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