Sun.Star Baguio



IN a span of four days, news of jilted lovers posting nude photos of their exes have hogged the headlines.

Last Friday, a man in Talamban was arrested after he allegedly created a fake Facebook account using his ex’s name and photo where he posted pictures of them having sex. And then there were the two boys, one 17 the other 18, who were charged after they allegedly spread a photo of a 16-year-old with her breasts exposed.

The girl happened to be the ex-girlfriend of the 18-year-old. I found this more interestin­g. There’s no question that what the boys did was wrong. The string of cases that they are now facing is proof of that.

But there’s an upside to this whole thing. What happened to the boys might actually serve as a deterrence. It’s telling all those with raging hormones that copying and distributi­ng photos or videos of persons having sex or of any person’s private parts are illegal, even if the person agreed to have that photo or video taken.

However, it is unfair to heap all the blame on the boys, even if some out there disagree with me. The girl should also learn to take responsibi­lity for her action. After all, she was the one who sent to her then boyfriend the photo of herself with her breasts exposed through Facebook Messenger last year.

I don’t know. Maybe it’s what kids do nowadays. That is, casually send half-exposed photos of themselves on social media. I’ve eavesdropp­ed on kids talking while exercising at the oval and what I’ve heard made me cringe.

It’s not so much the profanitie­s that spew out of their mouths like projectile vomit but more the subject matter of their discussion.

They talk about sex and sexual acts—loudly, may I add--as if they’ve been doing it all their lives. I try not to pass judgment because I consider myself to be a liberal and an open-minded person, but I do have my limits.

That, or maybe I’m just getting old. (Note: I said “getting old” not “I’m old.” Let’s just make that clear.) Or maybe I’m just a bit envious. You see, I don’t like to be a hypocrite.

If I was doing what these kids say they’re doing back when I was their age I probably wouldn’t give this subject a second thought.

Come to think of it, if I had access to the “informatio­n” that these kids have when I was an adolescent, I might have painted the town red. But I didn’t.

I fumbled throughout my teen years, making plenty of mistakes along the way. I learned from them... eventually.

So I hope that the two boys and the girl will do the same. They need to know that sometimes repercussi­ons of some mistakes can rob a person of a future. SSCebu

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