Sun.Star Baguio

I.Q. vs. E.Q.


LAST Saturday, I was asked to speak to a group of students at the University of Baguio. The topic given to me was, “Leaders on Effective Decision Making: E.Q. or I.Q.?” Basically, it meant: Do Leaders make effective decisions using E.Q. or I.Q.?

As the topic asked of me was something a bit out of my usual speech topics, I really had to spend some time thinking about it. With only 2 days notice, I had to make time by waking up in the middle of the night, and waking up Angie, to discuss about it. It was a good thing Jennifer, my daughter, joined us, and gave me her inputs, too.

We often say, “Mataas ang I.Q. niya”, or the opposite, I.Q. I.Q. or Intelligen­ce Quotient is a score based on standard tests to measure intelligen­ce. While E.Q., Emotional Quotient, or Emotional Intelligen­ce is the ability to identify, evaluate, control, and express emotions. Thanks to Wikipedia, I had a good starting point for the talk.

When I asked the students and teachers present, if they thought I.Q . or E.Q. was used in decision making, we got mixed answers. A number thought it was a combinatio­n of the two.

I believe that except where science, mathematic­s and similar fields are involved, where black is black and white is supposed to be white, it is difficult to come up with business decisions made using purely intelligen­ce, without involving emotions. Why? Because we are human beings and most decisions are affected by our emotions, and the decisions involve fellow humans, who have emotions and feelings like our own.

Thus, for decisions to be effective and implemente­d properly, E.Q. plays a major role. Examples were presented.

A commonly used quote to emphasize the value and difference of each is “I.Q. gets you the job, E.Q. helps you keep it”.

However, I pointed out that we do not make decisions simply based on I.Q. and EQ, but rather, we are guided by Purpose. Our life purposes are our foundation­s for our thoughts, which affect our feelings. Our feelings influence our DECISIONS. Our decisions affect our actions. Our actions are our behavior. Our repeated behavior forms our habits. And our habits become our character. So what specific purposes do we have in our chosen fields of endeavor?

In all businesses, it is Delighting the Customer! Having this always in mind makes decision making easier. We simply ask ourselves: Will it delight the customer? If it does, JUST DO IT.

Businesses that have Money Making as their guiding and primary purpose come out with decisions that reflect such purpose.

The only possible constraint to “Delighting the customer” is, does it make financial sense? If yes, by all means, JUST DO IT!

Decision-making is made simpler when you are guided by purpose. Then use your intellect and consider the emotions of all who will be affected by your decision.

PURPOSE with I.Q. and E.Q.! Effective decision-making requires facts and data. However, do not be overwhelme­d by having too much raw data that makes analysis burdensome and difficult, unless you have someone to help you properly analyze them for you.

Pray for enlightenm­ent and guidance in making decisions, big and small.

In short, pray for WISDOM. Each of us has been given the seeds of wisdom. Pray for them to grow. Here are two bible phrases to help us: Proverbs 3: 13- 15, “Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understand­ing, for she is more profitable than silver, yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her.”

James 3:13, “Who is wise and understand­ing among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.”

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