Sun.Star Baguio

Grateful in the month of the dog

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IT'Sthe last day of the Sm sale, and I've been in line for the last 45 minutes. It's inconvenie­nt to be waiting, yes, but I'm grateful for the opportunit­y to stock up on what we need at discounted prices. At the same time, I'm grateful to the young boy in green behind me, he's been kind enough to watch our place while I go around and shop some more.

I'm grateful too, that I can look forward to a yummy dinner. Chiara's cooking tonight. I'm grateful that Aa is standing by, ready to come fetch me when I'm done.

I'm grateful for the airconditi­oning. And that I'm at the shoes section, I can choose to sit down now and then. I'm grateful tomorrow I can wake up later than normal. Divya and Byren have no classes.

I could go on and on and on about the things I am grateful for. This sale, for example, and the dehumidifi­ers that are suddenly available. I've been looking for them for awhile, was even tempted to buy wholesale when we were out, but they were bulky. Shipping and customs duties would also have raised their prices.

I like these dehumidifi­ers because they can work as a Feng Shui enhancer to activate positive energies. You just have to know where exactly in the home to place them, otherwise they might be activating a different energy you'd rather not have.

Now that I think of it, I am grateful to Grandmaste­r Raymond Lo for teaching us so well about the Flying Stars. I am grateful he is a generous teacher who pushes his students to go forward.

Again, I think of the timing, and I am grateful to know Feng Shui that considers the influence of the changing seasons. I am grateful that I know that next year is the year of the Dog, and that our clients whose signs are challenged by the coming year will have ample protection because we learned Flying Stars. Forewarned is forearmed.

Speaking of the incoming year of the Dog, it is going to be a challengin­g one for the Dog and the Dragon, and those who have these signs in their Destiny Charts. Those who are born with the Goat and the Ox in their charts need to watch out for their health.

This October is actually the Dog month, and many would already be feeling the effects of next year on their lives because this month reflects the whole of next year when it comes to the Flying Stars and the year of the Dog.

Illness will be in the west, the sector of young women. Arguments and misunderst­andings will be in the northeast, this is also the sector of the youngest sons. Misfortune will be in the North, the area of middle sons and young men. Robbery, violence and scandal will be in the East. If the areas above are major parts of your home, business or practice, e.g. main door, bedroom, or you stay in these sectors often, you must cure these areas to weaken the influence of the negative stars.

I take a sigh of relief, I am grateful to know that there are cures to these negative energies, and these unwanted influences can be weakened.

I look up, there are just a few more people ahead of me. I am grateful I'm almost done.

And I had the time to write this article, time to appreciate where I am, and the journey to this moment.

I am grateful to breathe. I am grateful to just be...

If your animal sign is afflicted, see us for what you need to carry to counter the unlucky energies of the incoming year. We are located at #29 Sari-sari Section, Baguio City Market, open from 4:30 to 6:30 from Monday to Saturday.

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