Sun.Star Baguio

Treating shin splints


SHINSPLINT­S are common injuries a runner experience­s, to avoid making your first race a misadventu­re. It’s important to build your endurance and strengthen your weak spots. If you’ve been running for years, the constant experience of having shin splints is not new.

Having a training program and knowledge of treating such injuries will surely help. To understand what is shin splints, this injury usually occurs because of overuse, where the fascia (a thin layer of connective tissue covering, supporting, or connecting the muscles of the body) of the muscle pulls away from the tibia (the inner and thicker of the two bones of the human leg between the knee and the ankle; shinbone).

Shin splints can be painful and without proper treatment one can develop stress fractures. Do it yourself treatment for shin splint are the best, without going to a physician. No injury gets better if continuous pounding is done, the solution, stop running for a while it may take a week or two or even longer.

You should wear a pair of running shoes that is best for your feet. To get best results, strengthen your feet and lower feet muscles; through exercises like “calf raises”, “towel crunches”, and “toe taps”, doing these exercises two or three times daily will help you ease and treat your shin splint.

And when recovery is at hand and you feel no pain and ready to run, increase your mileage gradually; no more than fifteen percent a week. Run on a surface you are accustomed with and be sure to do warm up before you start running, if the pain persists, then it is good to see a physician because you may have developed stress fractures. Sports Psychology

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