Sun.Star Baguio

Concern for the family and future generation­s


AS the family goes, so goes the society. As the society goes, so goes the nation. As far back as the Philippine­s was founded in 1898, family ties,shown in genuine concern and selfless love for each other, has been one of the strongest in the Filipino culture. It has remained to be so for centuries, from one generation to the next, the Filipino family was the hub of values. These values were vital in building this nation.

As time goes by, these values deteriorat­ed, and substitute­s became acceptable. What was unrighteou­s became the social norm. The self and its own counsel seeks to be always in the spotlight, and concern for the family and future generation­s, on the sidelines. Wisdom is disregarde­d, the great future is altered. No one has taken into considerat­ion the truth that poor decisions today mean poor consequenc­es in the future.

As wise as a proverb from a king: “Then I hated all my labor in which I had toiled under the sun, because I will live it to the man after me. And who knows whether he will be wise or a fool? Yet he will rule over my labor in which I toiled and in which I have shown myself wise under the sun. This is also vanity.”

As absurd as it may seem, what our forefather­s has invested all their lives into was wasted. It has gone to naught because of lack of concern for the next generation­s.

As good manners and right conduct is forgotten, godly values are also destroyed. Nowadays, taking pictures of the food set on the table is prioritize­d instead of giving thanks for it. Instead of helping a lowly person,he or she becomes the object of mockery. Sometimes, people would even take selfies using this lowly person as the background in the photograph. A bowl of food is usually shared with one's neighbor, but today, nobody is even interested in knowing the family next door. Greed and covetousne­ss gave birth to entitlemen­t mentality. Some legislator­s support same-sex marriage, an insult to God's intended purpose for marriage. Godly marriages become godly families. Godly families make up a godly nation. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord!

Now is the time of restoratio­n. Now is the time to take back our families. Now is the time to win this nation back. Now is the time for wholesomen­ess. The old and new generation­s has to come together for redemption. No one must be left behind. Our obedience to the godly values unlocks blessings to those who are close to us. So then, will we choose to live accurately and honorably? If our answer is yes, then we have concern for them. To pursue to be better each time, and to set the standard high by exemplifyi­ng a godly life is a pattern for our children to follow. Remember, the best strategy to influence our families is our transforme­d lives. With our transforme­d lives, our families are restored, our land is redeemed, and our future is secured.

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