Sun.Star Baguio

Mayor mulls halting retrieval operations

- Lauren Alimondo

MANKAYAN Materno Luspian is mulling to halt the retrieval operation of a barangay secretary buried in Barangay Bedbed.

“We will declare it as close. We advise the family to go ahead and we will support them but officially as far as Mankayan is concern we already stopped the retrieval,” he added.

The retrieval operation have been extended every now and then because of the inclement weather until August 25.

Rescuers from the local government unit, barangay officials, volunteers and private organizati­ons including Lepanto Mining Corporatio­n have been working hand-in-hand during the search, rescue and retrieval operations. The landslide, caused by the continuous rains occurred at around 1 p.m. of August 13. Initial investigat­ion showed barangay secretary Luvina Kidkid and her co-workers were conducting clean-up operations in the footpath when the landslide occurred.

Kidkid’s workers managed to flee to safety.

The mayor added they will also declare the road close as residents traversing the Tadeo road going to Upper Bedbed can bring supplies through hiking which may take up to two hours.

An alternativ­e road going towards the area is also being studied.

On August 21, the ‘Buyag di Temengao' a kind of ritual was also conducted by the elders as guidance to prevent the destructio­n of the equipment used in the retrieval operations and also to secure safety of the rescuers. Another ritual called ‘ated’ was performed to bring safety to rescue workers.

The ritual further seeks to give a hint or show the exact location of the victim.

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