Sun.Star Baguio



ARIES (March 21-April 19): Your own keen observatio­ns pierce to the heart of many matters now, but its risky to assume too much. Listen as much as you speak, and you can make the kind of well-informed decisions that guide you over, under, around, and through aggravatio­ns today. Others might tug on emotional strings to try to get what they want. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Your prevalent mindset is like a bulldozer today. You want to get things accomplish­ed in a very definitive way and if you had your druthers, youd waste no time being delicate about plowing over whatever slows you down or stands in your way. But when sensitivit­y to the finer points involved in executing a plan is a must, a dexterous shift into a subtle and persuasive gear can be a truly winning move. Honey attracts more bees than vinegar.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Busily snipping any strings attached to a recent offer, proposal, or assignment is a happy preoccupat­ion today. Offering understand­ing to an associate, friend, or even to your spouse, isnt the same thing as agreeing. Make your own take on matters as clear as you can, and let that clarity guide your forward motion. The free exchange of ideas and opinions can bring a profound new level to communicat­ions. Do what is right, not what is easy. CANCER (June 21-July 22): A shift in the tide might be barely perceptibl­e to some but its obvious to you today. Good instincts and heightened intuition enable you to tune into a trend thats either just getting off the ground or is approachin­g the beginning stages of winding down. This insight has practical applicatio­ns in business affairs or money matters. But theres an emotional or spiritual element to it, too. Reject any kneejerk reaction toward hyper-control and flow with the natural rhythm of an enlighteni­ng cycle as it unfolds. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Dancing in place can be a wonderful way to start your day. But a rut is liable to be created if you insist upon staying put today. Let those restless feet take you someplace new intellectu­ally so you can explore something enticingly experiment­al or produce results that are outright ingenious. Nietzsche said, Those that were seen dancing were thought insane by those who could not hear the music. What a lovely blessing to plug into psychic, creative, or healthy physical motion and rock out to your own song.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Striving for balance is an instinctua­l reaction today, yet it might be one thats not easily appeased. Make the most of any lopsided circumstan­ces by assigning your analytical mind a very specific task to complete. The satisfacti­on gleaned by coming up with just the right solution to an organizati­onal problem or logistical challenge can more than make up for any uneasiness experience­d due to whatever else is out of whack.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You may not have high hopes for mind over matter today. Mind in alignment with matter is another story, however. Improvemen­ts to machinery, operations, transporta­tion, or appliances can streamline efficiency. Do it yourself or hire experts and profession­als as necessary. Things click along like clockwork when youre focusing on practical matters and directing your energy toward the behind-thescenes essentials that keep the daily routine smoothly moving along. Your attention to details saves the day. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): If anyone can harness the power of emotional energy, it is you. What you say and do carries maximum clout when its infused with sincerity and passion. Others tend to respond in a positive way when you lead by example, whether by doing your job well, creating art, or making a difference on behalf of your community. Your choices do make a difference today, of that there is no doubt. SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Take a step back and reassess the situation if you catch yourself getting caught up in a dramatic reaction. While theres something undeniably cathartic about releasing pent-up emotions, its important to gauge whether its worth the upheaval it could cause now. Discussing your feelings in a down-to-earth manner is almost certainly the more productive strategy in the big picture. The temperatur­e of the moment is like a thermostat; you have the ability to turn it up or down at will.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You have your own unique style of putting external conditions to work for you today. Youre ready to turn it all in your favor no matter the mood of the crowd, the magnitude of the collective task at hand, or delays encountere­d. A combinatio­n of determinat­ion and positive thinking is formidable. If there arent any lemons to turn into lemonade, in a jiffy youll have a team of allies planting fruit-producing trees.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Mastery over the wiles of the world comes naturally to you today, in business, career, or school. Youre willing and able to wear whatever hat is necessary to get the job done, and you possess a nearly bottomless wardrobe of talents from which to choose. Yet its your social life thats likely to be where the most exciting action takes place now, with or without a chapeau. A pal is there to cheer you on. In the words of Jim Morrison, A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.

PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar 20): Heart asks a lot of questions that mind alone cant answer today. Some of them might be about giant mysteries like the meaning of life. Others could be more personal. Logic can take you just so far but no further. If you feel thrown back into the subjective waters of your own insights and personal tastes, that might be just what the heart intended from the get-go.

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