Sun.Star Baguio

A shift in the idea of change

- Rosendo Doris C.

NOTHING is as upsetting to people as change. Change is natural and good, but people's reaction to change is unpredicta­ble and irrational. But what if you accept the idea of change. When you get comfortabl­e with the idea that change is going to happen, it will help you go into a change with less stress.

In education, change seem to come very often. The IPCRF is now replaced with RPMS. A lot of policies are being modified and teachers need to be flexible to cope.Accepting change, viewing change as progress, recognizin­g there will be unknowns, and embracing the newness of change will help you get ready for change. If you can see change as transforma­tive, notice that it creates more choices for you, view it as “the spice of life,” and remind yourself that you can adjust to anything that happens, you’ll approach change more positively. Now you can go forward into the next change with an open mind!

John F. Kennedy once said, “The one unchangeab­le certainty is that nothing is certain or unchangeab­le.” Change will, in essence, always be occurring. Recognizin­g this fact will make life easier for you.

Whether you’re ready to admit it or not, when something changes, it’s progressin­g toward something. As you probably realize, living life on a dayto-day basis often involves making progress on some level.

The aspect of change that probably shakes you up the most is that it introduces unknown factors. It can be a bit discombobu­lating to not know what could be coming your way. Still, the unknown aspect of change must be acknowledg­ed.

If you can shift your thinking from a focus on the unknown to recognize that change involves “newness”— new things, people, places, and ideas— with at least some of it bringing excitement and interest, you’ll feel a whole lot better about it.

Believe that change can be transforma­tive. You could be exposed to better products, knowledge, and skills as results of change. Many changes also have great aspects that open up your life in ways you hadn’t imagined before. Your experience at work or home—wherever the change occurs—can transform your life for the better.

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