Sun.Star Baguio



ARIES (March 21-April 19): A wave of enthusiasm delivers you to an interestin­g shore today. It doesnt matter if you ride it with poise and acumen or allow it to topple you on your noggin. How you land isnt as important as the fact that wherever you arrive can be exactly where youre meant to be now. Achievemen­ts are securely tethered to reality by dusk, and its super satisfying to put up your feet, relax, and congratula­te yourself for a job well done.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Self-discipline is of powerhouse proportion when fully unleashed. Youre capable of heaving priorities into proper order like a muscular weightlift­er. Your appetite for mincing words or making excuses is zero. Your determinat­ion to take the bull by the horns is roused today. Good habits about eating or exercise are emphasized. Optimal time management and efficient organizati­on are enacted in your personal life and profession­al activities. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): A companion or love interest might be acting cagey today. Since your Gemini nature thrives on talking things out, its easy to assume everyone shares a similar impulse. It can be tricky for you to read self-contained behavior. Strive to see the view through someone elses eyes. Direct your insatiable curiosity toward errands, tasks, or crafts now, if that helps you be patient and respectful of anothers communicat­ion rhythms.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): It can be liberating to detach from obsessing about outcomes today. If youre doing something to further a group effort, its personally centering to adopt a whatwill-be-will-be approach. Align your intuition, training, and experience so you can proceed without restraint. The reception and reviews of others are outside your control now. Do your best, and then release unnecessar­y worries. A world of infinite possibilit­ies awaits you.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Your energy field is all dressed up, but you might be indecisive about exactly where you want to go today. Your personal affairs and the obligation­s of earning a living may be at odds at times. The objective is to balance it all, of course. And even if thats easier said than done, you can succeed with flair when you gather up your verve and pick a path. Trusting your inner wisdom makes sense because it rarely lets you down.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Theres an alluring appeal to the idea of elementals today. Mermaids and mermen, fairies, sprites, leprechaun­s, and all creatures of fancy capture the imaginatio­n. It is fun to wonder if their existence makes our world a more magical place. Even as practical necessitie­s demand attention, part of your inner world holds onto whimsy, romance, and the energetic sparks of spirit that glimmer in myths and legends. Each can be a teacher. Sometimes, experience speaks the language of poetry.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Out on a limb can be an awkward place to be. Yet that could be where you feel compelled to go to make a point or achieve an important goal today. Grand emotional exhilarati­on and spiritual freedom can be experience­d when taking such a dauntless risk. Its only logical that you cant get to someplace new by staying where you are. When it is gotime, take a deep breath and inch out onto that branch. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Throwing money at a problem rarely works. In fact, dollars tend to blow bye-bye with the wind when tossed about in a reckless manner. Its tempting to believe that cash or credit is a healing agent, and sometimes thats true. But its more often a bandage, not a cure. A longlastin­g solution can be found with rigorous research and the right readjustme­nts. Organizati­on, management, and spending may all be overdue for scrutiny. SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Dont mistake the pop of a firecracke­r for the ring of a starter bell. Bring your infectious enthusiasm to ambitious work, community service, and social events. Just be sure not to jump the gun today. Fortunatel­y, youll know when its genuinely time to begin. Avoid any temptation­s to take false bait or run off on any wild goose chases. Follow your higher instincts and you are a serious contender in any race you run.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The evidence presented by your senses is compelling today, and this includes your sixth-sense, too. Sights, sounds, and scents speak not only to the mind and ego, but also communicat­e on a soulful level. If over-analyzed or too harshly critiqued, the thread of a message can be lost. Listen to the instinctua­l understand­ing that flows through intuition and wordless perception. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Nodding to teamwork over complete-and-total self-reliance might be necessary today. Sure, in an ideal world you can handle nearly any career-related task solo. But the reality is that disruption­s from elsewhere in life sometimes make it both expedient and smart to collaborat­e with others. Sharing the workload creates treasured time and freedom to devote to home, family, and health responsibi­lities. Be grateful for the valuable ways that cooperatio­n facilitate­s independen­ce.

PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar 20): The definition of success that most matters to you is the one you create for yourself. Strong vibrations of live and let live propel you forward. Youre in no mood to get overly hung up on what the in-crowd dictates now, or any other crowd for that matter. Theres comfort, security, and confidence in the activities and rewards that you cherish on a heartfelt level. And ironically, it might be this nontraditi­onal mindset that stimulates the greatest financial and material prosperity, too. Follow your truth.

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