Sun.Star Baguio

A life distinct from all others

- M. Albo Julie

THE educationa­l system promises to safeguard the youth’s future and make sure that what they want to become and where they choose to live is secure. Who would be loaded with such a big responsibi­lity but teachers? Teachers, who pride themselves as mentors of all the existing profession­s.

A teacher’s life is analogous to a rainbow full of hues. In this fast changing world, they live in uncertaint­ies trying to stand above the rest, finding the hue distinct for themselves so they may have that certain brilliance to shine and radiate and be recognized by others especially their learners for what little things they contribute to the world at large. They live their lives every single day finding its meaning, searching a purpose that only they could identify the same way as anyone else. They look for things that can enable them to find a niche in the society where they, too, would be deserving of respect and be part of a whole.

Their four-cornered world where they reign as authority does not guarantee them their pass to be exempted from criticisms and ridicule. Contrary to what other people may think, they are more vulnerable to such because of the diversifie­d groups of people they deal with. And the most pathetic plight amongst teachers is the absence of protection from the law.

They carry their responsibi­lities beyond the walls of their classrooms. At home, to the community they belong, and as far as where their learners have gone. They do not limit their concern to the lives of the children they handle but to their families as well. Unselfishl­y spending their time and effort at the expense of their own families.

What a life. So blessed with charges enough for five people to handle. But this is what makes their lives colorful. It is what makes them distinct from all others.

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