Sun.Star Baguio



ARIES (March 21-April 19): One privilege of success is stopping to appreciate the nuances of your journey. Although this pause delays progress on your profession­al goals, it hardly counts as procrastin­ation. A wave of compassion overcomes you now. Many hands helped you reach your current status, and others continue to support your path. By simply feeling gratitude for all that has been done on your behalf, it will radiate to everyone around you and draw them into your exciting orbit.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Unleash your inner dreamer. Your goals require review. A younger you held out intentions for the future you. The current you needs to choose which dreams are still valid and which ones to eschew. A lot can happen between having an idea and giving birth to its manifestat­ion. Let your imaginatio­n run wild and see what schemes are conjured up. Before getting too critical, allow your subconscio­us to offer different choices and alternativ­e routes.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Answering a calling always carries a streak of altruism. If you have already found your purpose, the cosmic energy reinvigora­tes you to excel and serve. If you are exploring your vocational possibilit­ies, you receive further clues that help narrow the scope. You may need to be more self-reliant than usual, yet that only confirms your mettle.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): An interestin­g new character may enter the scene today. It can be an actual person from a faraway place, or an intriguing figure in a novel you cannot put down. You immerse yourself in a whole other world, imagining what it might be like to be from somewhere else. Of course, your home and your tribe are extremely important to you. It’s unlikely that you want to trade in your life for a different one, but entertaini­ng possibilit­ies enlarges your capacity for love. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Collaborat­ions could get tricky if boundaries are not defined. When you work with others, you carry a spirit of generosity that sometimes leaves you with a raw deal. Examine any joint endeavors to check whether the duties and obligation­s are clearly outlined. You can take the welltravel­ed path, or you may opt for an unconventi­onal approach. Either way you go, establishi­ng clarity on how you are getting there will ensure that everyone is happy when you arrive at your destinatio­n. Preparatio­n gives birth to self-confidence.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): A flash of inspiratio­n catches your eye today. A tiny blip on the radar leaves a bigger and bigger impression. Chase down the source without hesitation. One thing leads to another and before you know it, you are on the trail of a really exciting developmen­t. People around you may start to think that you are morphing into someone else. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Small talk vanishes and deep communicat­ions seem to spring from everyone you meet today. The conversati­ons you have as a regular course of your day gain a whole new meaning. Even the most random checker helping you at the grocery store seems to exude age-old wisdom. There is a pitfall to all this inspiring talk when crucial details get overlooked or misunderst­ood. Enjoy the connection­s, but also repeat any relevant particular­s so everything is crystal clear. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You can handle a proverbial live wire like a pro today. However, a lack of eloquence on any side may lead to an unsettling shock. Discretion is the better part of valor. Whether to act or react is up to you. Your energy may be better invested in preoccupyi­ng yourself with your own pursuits and letting the tension fade for now. On the other hand, your tenacity enables you to work out a deal that could amaze everyone.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Spontaneit­y might as well be your middle name. Nearly everything seems enticing today, and random opportunit­ies to enjoy yourself pop up everywhere. Some might even say you are obsessed with unearthing the fun in even the most humdrum of activities. Although you prefer to be the last one to leave the party, there’s no shame to admitting if you run out of gas. Continue your escapades in the comfort of your own fantastic lair. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Your thoughts congeal and reveal a unique way to get your message across. Precious words that eluded you in the past finally manifest. It is a fertile time to write or record your ideas. Fortunatel­y, you have more to share than advice on mere pragmatic matters. Let your inventive side plumb the depths of your mind today. What surfaces may leave you awestruck. Unwind and let the unforeseen come into view.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Freedom lies at the root of your relationsh­ip to money. Earning for its own sake bores you to tears. For you, resources may represent a material way that a deeper benevolenc­e and liberation can be distribute­d in society. You drill down on how you could use unconventi­onal methods to enhance not only your livelihood, but also the livelihood­s of those around you.

PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar 20): You become a conduit for motivation today. Your intuition tingles and you can hardly avoid the sense that you are right where you’re supposed to be now, meeting who you should meet. The people you encounter seem predestine­d to hear you and feel buoyed by your encouragin­g message. In turn, you start to find exactly what you need in spiritual and material terms. The synchronic­ity may leave you pleasantly overwhelme­d. Go with the flow and the magic will follow.

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