Sun.Star Baguio



YOU shall remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day. Power was in the hands of the greedy for so long. It is time to take a stand in the faith that God has given us through

His word. Resourcefu­lness is believing in the fulfillmen­t of the promises of God.

The children of the righteous will never beg bread!

Divine purpose always attract divine provision. Our pursuit of national transforma­tion, of a new breed without greed, of peace, joy and righteousn­ess establishe­d in the Philippine­s could only be realized when God is the provider. These take an unlimited supply, both material and spiritual, in abundance, in overflow, in generosity, in exponentia­l. The dreams of God for this nation will be fulfilled when we learn to tap in the resources He has entrusted to us, as value-laden stakeholde­rs and partners. Because of His faithfulne­ss, goodness, and mercy, He has opened the heavens so that we will never be thirsty again. We cannot give what we don’t have, and we don’t have anything unless we receive it from the Lord. Anything out of His purpose, anything out of His provision is slavery. But we are the free!!! Freely we receive, freely we give.

Creativity is not a mood. Creativity is not a gift. It is the very nature of God inside of us. We are created in His image and in His likeness. As He establishe­d the heavens and the earth with His word, we, as His appointed statesmen, nation builders, values restoratio­n officers, living heroes, carriers of justice, can create things with our words. It is now then relevant to examine what have we been creating through our words. Death and life comes from the power of our tongues, and it must be a strategic tool to bless our families and the whole nation from the reservoir of our hearts. It has been recorded that God turns beauty from ashes. He is a multiplier, a

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