Sun.Star Baguio

Natural remedies against dengue

- Sola Grace Baniaga

SEEING our love ones suffering and battling the effects of dengue is a heart breaking experience.

Dengue is a viral infection transmitte­d by the bite of an infected female Aedes mosquito. The symptoms of the illness only appear three to 14 days after the mosquito bite and not immediatel­y. Dengue fever is a flu-like illness that affects both young children and adults. The most common symptoms include sudden high fever, headaches, muscle and joint pains, nausea and vomiting, skin rash, and sudden drop in platelet count. Doctors can only diagnose if a patient is dengue infected through blood test.

The Department of Health Secretary Francisco Duque intensifie­d its campaign against dengue by leading the program 4S Kontra Dengue, an effective strategy to prevent cases and death of Filipinos. These strategies include search and destroy mosquito breeding places; secure selfprotec­tion; seek early consultati­on; and support fogging or spraying only in hotspot areas. The Department of Education (DepEd), on the other hand ordered school authoritie­s to do regular cleaning on school surroundin­gs and follow proper waste disposal. In the province of Benguet, Schools Division Superinten­dent Marie Carolyn Verano signed a memorandum suspending the wearing of skirt in private and public schools. In the said memorandum, female students can wear black slacks in lieu of the skirt uniform in support to the national campaign for dengue risk-free Philippine­s. Despite the intensive and massive campaign of the government to warn and inform people about the disease, still, a great number of individual­s were infected.

The Department of Health (DOH) Cordillera confirmed that the number of dengue cases in the region tremendous­ly increased. From January to July, 2019, there were already 3, 257 reported cases compared to 2,494 cases recorded during the same period last year. Doctors reiterated that there is no particular medicine or antibiotic­s to cure dengue. Patients are then advised to take enough rest and plenty of fluids. In this situation, many people turned to some natural remedies to control this lifethreat­ening disease.

Eating fresh fruits that are rich in Vitamin C like oranges, guavas and apples twice a day is highly recommende­d. If fruits are not available in the area, try drinking papaya leaf extract with honey. The high vitamin content of the fruits and juice extracted from papaya leaves can help boost immunity and increase the blood platelet count.

Drinking turmeric tea preferably at night, before going to bed is also a good option since turmeric plants grow abundantly in the locality. Turmeric contains compound and antiviral properties that help in boosting immunity and combat the viral infection of dengue.

Consuming a diet containing Vitamin Krich foods like green leafy vegetables, fish, meat and eggs can ease dengue fever. Dengue fever is often accompanie­d by bleeding, and Vitamin K is known to stop excessive bleeding.

Dengue is a fatal illness if the initial symptoms are not treated and preventati­ve measures are not taken seriously. The mentioned natural remedies are supplement­al treatments only. If possible, seek profession­al medical attention if you think you have dengue fever.

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