Sun.Star Baguio



miracle worker. With Him, all things are possible. Like Him, we can choose to see abundance instead of lack, gratitude instead of complaints, wellness instead of illness, solutions instead of problems, life instead of corruption. We are atmosphere changers, and we are created to inspire people to become the best and to live to the fullest. We replicate His image, we reproduce His likeness, we propagate the good, the virtuous, the value-laden. Resourcefu­lness then is in our fingerprin­ts, in our brain cells, in our eyesight, in every heartbeat, in every smile, in our DNA as Pilipinos. Whatever we create is marked with excellence through love, is an original just like each of us. He also made us stewards of everything, to take dominion over all. We don’t represent ourselves, we must not use, abuse, or misuse anyone or anything, as if we were the ones who created them. We as public servants, fathers and mothers, teachers, leaders, must value everyone, their gifts, their talents, their personhood. Celebrate uniqueness. Appreciate difference­s. All will work together for the good of those who love God, country, and fellowmen, and if we are generous, the right company of people will come to help us reach the destiny of this nation. It takes selflessne­ss to fuel resourcefu­lness. Anything of greed, will hoard the treasures God owns as it is written that the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. Our world has fabricated counterfei­ts, substitute­s, false gods, fake news, temporary relationsh­ips. Resourcefu­l people are full of justice and compassion. Every little thing they do has the intent of blessing the nation. They have the aggressive faith and explicit obedience to implement God’s instructio­ns in establishi­ng righteousn­ess that exalts a nation. Each one of us is free to represent His image and His likeness, to live holy and pure lives, so that whatever will flow out of us and whatever we touch, the impact is so great, it can reach and resource even the next generation who are still to be born. This week, let God be your Source, your all in all, and be in turn, resourcefu­l.

He is the air we breathe. He is the bread of Life. He is the Living water. He is the Light of the World. He is everything we need. Arise in the faith that can move mountains and begin to create in that space the abundant life God has given you.

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