Sun.Star Baguio

Stop dumping

- Lauren Alimondo Sun*Star Reporter

A DISPLEASED Tuba Mayor Clarita Sal-ongan sounded a call to stop dumping along Marcos Highway following the discovery of eight cadavers in Sitio Poyopoy, Barangay Taloy Sur, in Tuba, Benguet.

Sal-ongan disclosed there should be no one dumping cadaver and garbage along the national road.

“We are appealing to the people, to all concerned. They should not dump any dead body along the national road. Don’t let other people suffer,”

she said.

She recalled there had been cases in the past of cadaver dumped in the municipali­ty, however, they did not expect such gravity of dumping which involves eight bodies.

The mayor added the local government unit is planning to pen a letter addressed to the Department of Public Works and Highways to ask allocation for additional CCTV cameras to closely conduct surveillan­ce in the area and for the Benguet Electric Cooperativ­e to install streetligh­ts.

The chief executive advised persons making stop overs in the area including truckers to observe proper waste disposal.

“To all motorists, passersby, not only Marcos Highway but to all national roads they should see to it their garbage to be properly managed,” she stressed.

As of Thursday, two of the eight bodies dumped in a 30 meter ravine from the national highway were identified by their relatives.

Police Colonel Elmer Ragay, Benguet Provincial Police officer – in - charge said the area was known as dumping ground.

“During our college days, that area is of course well known. Sad to say, I would only surmise that their death might have been elsewhere but they were brought to a place that is very peaceful,” said Ragay.

Police Major James Acod, Tuba Municipal Police Station chief added previous dumping activities involving cadavers are not only seen along Marcos Highway but in the other areas such as Asin and Nangalisan Road which are major thoroughfa­res in the municipali­ty.

Volunteers from Australia who took footage thru drone along the site shows pile of garbage dump in the area.

To recall, concerned citizens informed police to visit Poyopoy following foul smell emanating in the area where the cadavers were later discovered.

Moreover, Scene of the Crime Operatives findings reveal the five cadavers have been dead for at least two weeks while the other one is believed to be dead for almost a month, and the two skeletal remains found be a year old.

 ?? Team Rubicon photo ?? DUMPING SITE. The drone photograph, taken by non government organizati­on Team Rubicon Australian, of the site where eight dead bodies were discovered along Marcos Highway at Poyopoy, barangay Taloy Sur, Tuba, Benguet.
Team Rubicon photo DUMPING SITE. The drone photograph, taken by non government organizati­on Team Rubicon Australian, of the site where eight dead bodies were discovered along Marcos Highway at Poyopoy, barangay Taloy Sur, Tuba, Benguet.

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