Sun.Star Baguio

Magalong boys versus City High coaches, the tourist players and the crooks (part three)


FLAVOR without the “L” is the mother of game changers; although wider in scope, the term speaks clearly of itself and its mode—borrow and return. Undoubtedl­y, if borrowed it hatches return in any kind; this process goes on and on, until terminated otherwise. In the plane of sports, players, trainers and coaches come and go. And in those moments when the sports roll, luck or ill-fated chances trades at the right time in either side.

Yet, there are instances when players and sports personnel are selected not to play or serve, but they are there as tourist—meant for sightseein­g purposes only. No significan­t skills, talents or knowledge to speak of in the sports they stand, or maybe they have a little of it to excuse the stay. So how did that happen?

Maybe, an influentia­l parent, godfather, friends or any relatives in the sports selection committee who owes substantia­l goodwill, justifies. Ask the different coaches in the city, they have so many stories to tell. Or perhaps the division or regional administra­tor knows more.

And what could have cause a contractor to finish this single story school building in the city for almost a year, other than the hands of the crooks waving for that ten percent or more SOPs (save our part). Poor contractor­s, they have no choice but to give in to that demand. Else, their names will be written in the lists who forgot the hand that feeds, therefore no subsequent project to look forward. Most awful are the laborers that sweat their brows in constructi­ng the tenement—a greater sacrifice of laboring hard but with cut up pay.

Again, flavor without the “L” spices up any sweet dealings before it is agreed upon. If the writer Dante is alive, he must have included the sins of the self-serving educators in the bids and award committee as the deadliest sample of all the sins. So please, do graft and corrupt practices in other department­s and save the one that molds the younger minds. The inactive gymnasium in almost a year in the city’s premier high school may well exemplify this chronicle. Perhaps, how many more would it be? When will the divine sinks the crooks in this country and replace it with good ones?

When you are that educator who doesn’t sit in a throne waiting for the payday or the assistants account, probably you can witness how valuable this gymnasium in the school yard was. Every hour of the day and even late at night, the ring and the floor are busy with sports equipment being employed. If only the courtyard speaks, it voices: I am overtired but I’m very happy of my use, for I see these learners play after boredoms in the classrooms.

Truly, all works without bodily play make Juan an ill-mannered boy. Anyway, thanks to the city administra­tor who came by, saw and took a thousand picture, more power to you. And lately, congratula­tions to the Philippine­s for being ranked at the rocky bottom of countries in mathematic­s, science and English proficienc­ies. Teachers weren’t to be blamed, but the lawmakers of the new rule: spare the rod for it doesn’t spoil the child.

Pretty well these million cheers to Dr. Ma. Clotilde Soza for her admirable services in taking good care of the coaches and players of the city; sincerely she wasn’t that arrogant after all. Sometimes, chances in time are so heartless that it bounces unpleasant turns at those split seconds of first encounters. My good luck to you.

To be continued…

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