Sun.Star Baguio

Two blind men


WHEN electric power is suddenly and un expectedly cut-off, as has happened quite often the past weeks, we often loudly moan “oh!” as we immediatel­y turn on our cellphones to “flashlight” or “torch” mode. (What happened to flashlight­s powered by batteries? For most people, they seem to have gone down in history in much the same way as digital cameras, with the onset of the indispensa­ble multifunct­ional cellphones).

We are uncomforta­ble with darkness! We see nothing when it is pitch black. Often times, we are fearful. We are afraid of the danger that appears larger in darkness.

We often take modern convenienc­es and natural resources for granted, until we lose them. No, this is not an article on the environmen­t.

After listening to the gospel and a great homily delivered today, I reflected on the lives of the blind, or visually impaired, as some choose to call them now.

Imagine living in total darkness! Which is more heartbreak­ing, to have been born blind or to have lost the gift of sight later in life? Both are heartbreak­ing! It is understand­able if they ask “Lord, why did you make me blind?” But God has a purpose for everything! (But please don’t ask me the reason for that one) However, I believe that the physically blind may have better chances of making it to heaven, than those who are not blind, but cannot see!

Matthew 9:27-30: “And as Jesus passed on from there, two blind men followed him, crying aloud, ‘have mercy on us, Son of David.’ When he entered the house, the blind men came to him, and Jesus said to them, ‘do you believe that I am able to do this?’ They said to him, ‘yes, Lord.’ Then He touched their eyes, saying, ‘according to your faith be it done to you.’ And their eyes were opened.”

My dearest family and friends, How about us? We may not be physically blind, but in our comfortabl­e, convenient, and blessed lives, are we blind to what matters? Are we living life purposeful­ly? (This presumes we know our purposes in life) Do we believe in the Gospel? Do we live the Gospel? Do we believe that Jesus is truly in the Holy Eucharist? And if so, do we try to receive Him as often as we can? Matthew 26:26 “Take and eat, this is my body.” This season, are we preparing ourselves to commemorat­e His birth? Do we have the faith of the two blind men?

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