Sun.Star Baguio

Connected commitment

- Maritess Palaes

INTERNET access is fundamenta­l to 21st-century communicat­ions technology. It has become a staple in the modern classroom. Yet, research points out that 30 percent of people do not have access to a fixed broadband connection at home. Believe it or not, policymake­rs say broadband is a luxury, not a necessity. I would love to ask them to give the internet up for a week and see how it goes. Without access to the internet, it’s impossible to fully participat­e in the economy, society, and education. Even applying for the most menial jobs today necessitat­es broadband access.

Much of society needs to change its view about technology. Instead of perceiving computers and the Internet as a superfluou­s luxury, people should view them as crucial necessitie­s. People must come to realize the incredible power of new technologi­es and embrace them as useful tools.

Considerin­g that the Internet is the world of knowledge and is extremely important in many fields, from education and healthcare to business and government, I can say internet access is right on par with electricit­y and hot-and-cold running water. Internet in the home and the workplace can help build that brighter future by connecting families with the informatio­n they need to get ahead in school and career life.

Today, the computer and the Internet have become more important. They are now considered a modern necessity. More and more people around the globe depend on fast, reliable internet access to do their job, stay in contact with friends and family, keep up to date on the latest news and informatio­n, and run the day-to-day routines of life.

In the field of education, having internet access is a big advantage for students as they can get lectures, video sessions, tutorials, and study materials from many sites about the subject they are studying. This is not only for students but the teachers also get connected to get various researches which enable them to reinforce their lessons.

Added to this, the Internet has become a major tool for effective teaching as well as a learning tool. Teachers can use it as a teaching tool

by posting their teaching materials on the school website or forum. The learning process becomes interestin­g and diverse with the use of tutorial videos and notes. Teachers can teach with the use of animation, PowerPoint slides, and images to capture the students’ attention.

Given all these considerat­ions, I believe that everyone has the right to unfettered net access at a fair, affordable price. The government should help ensure that fast and reliable internet access or connection is not reserved only for the folks with the most money and influence. The public good should be considered in our collective connected commitment.

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