Sun.Star Baguio



carving artisans based in Baguio, La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan, Tuba, and Tublay and this gives local woodcarver­s from the BLISTT areas regardless of their expertise, a chance to showcase their craftsmans­hip and promote their work. For this tilt, each participan­t must create functional yet artistic pieces like a stool, a food bowl, or anything that serves a purpose. The judging committee is chaired by National Artist Benedicto Cabrera with other members of the organizing committee.

For events that will be shared live on social media particular­ly Facebook, there will be Creative Innovative Skills Training and seminars for artists and artisans, Art in the park, and launching of children’s storybooks on Cordillera Weaving and Learning ToolKit. Just like last year, the grand closing ceremonies will be held at the Diplomat Dominican Heritage Hill which I’m sure will again raise the bar of creativity in a place above 5,000 feet above sea level.

Last week, I chanced upon National Artist for Cinema Kidlat Tahimik whom many refer to as “Tatay Kidlat” at his Ili Likha Artist’s Village. I joined him and his assistants for lunch and a treat of pinikpikan after he and his group raised some heavy timber as part of the galleon hull that he’s been competing for years. Being my wedding Godfather, he reminded me of Philippine history with the song of the late Yoyoy Villame about what happened on March 16, 1521, when Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan or Hernando de Magallanes reached local shores.

With Ibagiw’s creative crawl that included Kidlat’s Ili Likha Artist’s Village, visitors can actually have a preview of the galleon in the making although another tableau will be set by the national artist at the Baguio Convention Center grounds next year just in time for the quincenten­nial when the country will commemorat­e the 500 years of the victory at Mactan and placed the Philippine­s in the first circumnavi­gation of the world.

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