Sun.Star Cagayan de Oro

Indonesia bans Hizbut group that seeks global caliphate


JAKARTA, Indonesia -- The Indonesian government on Wednesday banned Hizbut Tahrir, an organizati­on that wants to establish a global caliphate, under a new presidenti­al decree criticized as draconian by rights groups.

Hizbut’s legal status had been revoked to protect national unity, said Freddy Haris, a director-general at the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, at a brief news conference.

The decree signed last week by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo gives the government almost unfettered power to ban organizati­ons deemed against the constituti­on and the official state ideology Pancasila. Rights group say government­s could easily abuse the decree’s power.

The measures follow months of sectarian tensions that shook the government and undermined Indonesia’s reputation for practicing a moderate form of Islam.

Hizbut Tahrir, along with groups such as the violent Islamic Defenders Front, was behind a series of massive protests against the Jakarta governor, a minority Christian and Jokowi ally who was accused of blasphemin­g Islam. He subsequent­ly lost a bid for re-election to a Muslim candidate and was imprisoned for two years for blasphemy despite prosecutor­s downgradin­g the charge to a lesser offense.

Hizbut, already banned or circumscri­bed in some countries, is estimated to have tens of thousands of members in Indonesia. (AP)

 ??  ?? Indonesian Muslims shout "Allahuakba­r!' (God is great) during a rally in Jakarta, Indonesia, Tuesday, July 18, 2017. Muslim hardliners staged the rally denouncing a decree signed by President Joko Widodo earlier this month that could give the the...
Indonesian Muslims shout "Allahuakba­r!' (God is great) during a rally in Jakarta, Indonesia, Tuesday, July 18, 2017. Muslim hardliners staged the rally denouncing a decree signed by President Joko Widodo earlier this month that could give the the...

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