Sun.Star Cagayan de Oro



All the productivi­ty tools churned out by technology in form of apps and software promised to make work easier, but why is it that things have not eased up and time today is now the scarcest commodity one can find?

If we’re too much in a hurry, the heart becomes hard towards one’s need and others, too - a goal to attain, an objective to meet, an ambition to achieve - all of these make a person calloused or cruel.

The smart question is “In our mad dash living or in the fast lane of life, are we set out with a correct purpose for liv- ing? Have we become kinder people, healthier and concerned with meeting essential needs of oneself and others, too?”

Let us examine ourselves honestly. If we are always stressed out and uneasy, it is high time that we have to ruthlessly eliminate hurry in one’s life to become slowly but surely into a person with cheerful dispositio­n, correct countenanc­e to support or agree to something happening and doing things in a careful way.

Everyday, my privacy in my home or the state of being free from the attention of the public, for a time of stillness and quiet can restore and recover me once more. And I aim for moderation or the quality of being reasonable in my attitude towards life. What about you? What can restore and recover you from the hurry of life?

Of course, there are targets to be met, bidding to be presented and we cannot afford not to hurry, but is this really your or my real self? May we reflect on this easy guide to genuine selfawaren­ess.

To live one’s life fully, we must work on mastering one’s attitude, skills, behavior and knowing one’s gifts. What could be one’s gifts? They could range from something physical like a handsome/beautiful face and a sexy body or something intellectu­al – like being good with numbers or being adept at languages. It could be something emotional – like the knack for making friends and always being at ease with people.

These are just a few examples but it gets us started on the road to finding out one’s talents to build selfconfid­ence and to accept one’s weak areas. Self-awareness is also about being certain of the core values that determine what we believe in and what matters to us, the stuff that makes us think, feel, act comfortabl­e or uncomforta­ble, the things in our lives that make us excited and motivated everyday to get things done.

Genuine selfawaren­ess isn’t easy to come by, but that doesn’t mean that it is something we should shirk away from. “Know thyself” will take time to reflect on, so please . . . do not hurry.

[Email: dr.nirmla_]

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