Sun.Star Cagayan de Oro



to undertake the nitty-gritty of refashioni­ng the present Constituti­on. Depending on the agenda of the members of that August Body, the outcome could be a minor or major surgery, so to speak.

In any event, even assuming that the present residents of Congress can boast of performanc­e that genuinely addressed gripping poverty and the ever-widening gap between the rich and poor, the task of effecting major restructur­ing of the Constituti­on must be reserved to the Filipino people in their total sovereign capacity. Accordingl­y, the power of Congress to effect change in the Constituti­on is subordinat­e in character-delimited to minor modificati­on, such as, the fleshing out of muchneeded implementi­ng details to effectivel­y achieve the intent of a particular standing provision of the Highest Law of the Land. Definitely, altering the political structure of the government from a unitary/centralize­d form to a Federal system is in itself a major revision of the Constituti­on with far-reaching consequenc­es—a lifechangi­ng one at that.

A written Constituti­on, like ours, contains fundamenta­l principles or rules for the government of a nation or society that establishe­s basic guidelines and a framework for orderly procedure to achieve the Commonweal. It is conceived precisely to promote national harmony, unity, stability and equity. If only for this reason, a Constituti­on must not only inspire a sense of civic duty and love of country. Above all, a Constituti­on must command respect and obedience without which the attainment of social justice through the full harnessing of the nation’s rich human and natural resources will be in perpetual peril.

Thus, any move to institute major shift in political governance, e.g., from unitary to federalism, no matter how compelling, necessitat­es the full and direct participat­ion of the governed. Hence, the envisioned shift in political structure through the facility of a Constituen­t Assembly is a usurpation of sovereignt­y. As a democratic state, it is the people who are sovereign and no dictatorsh­ip, individual or institutio­nal, should prevail in our midst.

To recapitula­te while, concededly, the Federal System will set into motion the engine of growth by empowering local elective officials to craft the relevant master-plan for the developmen­t and utilizatio­n of their own resources, the ascendancy of Federalism must be blessed with the direct and exhaustive participat­ion of the sovereign people who are the trustees of the coming generation. To this end, members of Congress are dutybound to visit our country folks to explain the benefits of a Federal System of government as a practical vehicle for the upliftment of their standards of living under a regime of peace, democracy, justice, truth and unity.

P.S. Thank you very much to the family of the late Moises and Apung SelangP angan for donating P150,000 for the installati­on of a huge ceiling fan in our Chapel. GOD BLESS YOU AND THE PEOPLE OF STA. MONICA, SAN SIMON.

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