Sun.Star Cagayan de Oro

Father of the nation


Afather tells a child: “It is okay to curse God. It is okay to kill suspected drug dealers. It is okay to use cuss words. With the number of people killed, lawfully or extrajudic­ially, there should be lesser crimes committed. And haven’t you noticed the constructi­on boom in many urban areas, and at times, spilling over to adjoining municipali­ties? “Build, Build, Build” is not just a slogan, but a reality that is putting fundamenta­l, if not modern infrastruc­ture, to support the next economic leap forward of the country. If you do not notice these, then you are either blind or totally opposed to Duterte.

I can permit Mocha Uson to cut and paste the entire second paragraph for her blog; for we all know that she is the president’s most zealous promoter and defender. But then there are hordes of critics who count the killings as human rights violations and believe that the present business climate is the result of the completed programs of the Aquino administra­tion.

Where is the Duterte government headed to? It depends primarily on the president. Sure, he has control of both the Senate and the House of Representa­tives, but then the loyalty of our legislator­s has, time and again, proven to be fragile. Politician­s take the position of least resistance, shifting alliances for convenienc­e and survival.

True that Duterte had 16,601,997 votes, but that massive support can simply disappear because of such factors as dissatisfa­ction, disappoint­ment and apathy. The Philippine­s is not Davao City, Mr President. As the expiration of your term draws nearer, political butterflie­s will start drifting to parties offering sweeter deals.

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