Sun.Star Cagayan de Oro

Police commission 45 bomb-sniffing dogs


THE Philippine National Police (PNP) commission­ed on Monday, July 2, 45 newly trained explosives detection dogs during a simple ceremony held in Camp Crame in Quezon City.

PNP chief Oscar Albayalde, together with Directorat­e for Logistics director Jose Ma. Victor Ramos and PNP Explosives and Ordnance Division/K-9 Group director Senior Superinten­dent Pedro Gabayan, led the commission­ing ceremony for the 34 male and 11 female bomb-sniffing dogs as well as the oath taking of their handlers.

Thirteen of the said dogs are Labrador Retrievers while the others were Belgian Malios.

They are named Maximus, Philip, Bagsik, Goode, Paulo, Conan, Tinay, Sadam, Bam, Joko, Luna, Jackie, Bunso, Blue, Rambo, Maui, Baldoc, Lucas, Gambet, Sky, Revo, Inday, Michael, Poncio, Obre, King, Mac, Uno, Maya, Dracco, Bugoy, Bravo, Happy, Rocky, Gina, Mackoy, Joko, Claris, Brigs, Clark, Mucho, Vilma, Jinky, Sakuragi and Billy.

Each dog was acquired for over P500,000 each under the 2017 annual procuremen­t plan amid the government’s anti-criminalit­y and anti-terrorism campaign.

The PNP has 208 K9 units in its inventory which are providing K9 support to operations of PNP units, particular­ly the PNP Explosive Ordnance Disposal/ K9 Group (EOD-K9) which is responsibl­e for the effective and standardiz­ed utilizatio­n and developmen­t of all the canine teams of the national police agency.

They are also tasked to support investigat­ion being conducted by the PNP and take part in security patrolling particular­ly in detecting and combating any explosive related incidents.

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