Sun.Star Cagayan de Oro

An open letter to the President of the Republic of the Philippine­s


a mystery to us Catholics. However, we hope you know that it does not entail the disrespect and unprofessi­onal attack that you directed towards the Filipinos who believe in it. You may question us as to how we continue to believe in our religion despite all the mysteries that we cannot fully understand. The answer is that only through faith as well as reason, are we able to fully accept what has been taught to us. We understand that you are exercising your rights to religious freedom of speech, although we do not understand why you had the need to insult a religion in such a derogatory manner.

In addition, we would like to explain to you what original sin is in order for you to understand more and to gain a new perspectiv­e on the first sin. Original sin is the tendency to sin, innate in man, in consequenc­e of the Fall of Man. However, this original sin is eventually washed away in the Sacrament of Baptism. Aside from this, we disagree to what you said on how man is perfect. Man is not perfect. Despite the washing away of original sin, man has already become prone to temptation and may become a slave of sin. Similarly, for every drug a person intakes, there will certainly be repercussi­ons. From spending time in jail to death, man can still fall under the temptation­s of drugs. However, while there are confession and baptism to redeem us from sin, there are also rehabilita­tion centers that redeem those from drug addiction.

Thank you for your time and we hope that we have not only understood each others positions further, but also met each other eye-to-eye about this issue. We hope that your administra­tion will continue to steer our country in the direction most prosperous. Regards, Claire, Sofia, Phoebe, Selina, and Pamela

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