Sun.Star Cagayan de Oro

Moms rock the house


[For the record, there is no perfect way. If you’re not abusing, neglecting, or hurting your children, then by all means, do what you believe is necessary for yourself and your family to thrive. Each child is different, just as each family’s situation varies, so you gotta do what feels right for you and your entire brood. As long as what you’re doing stems from a place of love, then, dab on the haters!]

Sure, we moms also get tired from taking care of everyone and everything—driver, tutor, chef, human pacifier, the list goes on. We have a lot of crap to deal with, literally and sometimes figurative­ly (hi, loaded diapers). Sometimes, our concept of letting loose and putting our hair down so to speak is a quiet hot bath and a good book. On most days, a soothing cup of cocoa or a glass of wine when the kids are in bed is about as hardcore as we can get. Does this mean our time is up and our party days are over? Absolutely not. When I think about it, since we became moms, our lives have become an infinite cycle of wiping butts, wiping snot, wiping tears...we have been ignored, sassed, whined, and wailed at by our own children, sometimes to the point where we think—“I need a drink!” And of course, since we’ve been trained by all of our newborns, no one can pull an all-nighter like we can. Who says we are boring old farts that don’t know how to come out and party ‘til the crack of dawn? Of course we still can. We just choose our “laags” or “lakads” well.

There’s no need to crucify moms and guilt them into feeling bad for going out and having a great time. We deserve it! Me-time is essential for sanity and peace of mind. We can’t love our children well if we are stressed, depleted, and harassed. This is a message I will never get tired of repeating because my only daughter is watching, and she, too, will possibly one day become a mom. It is never selfish to make yourself a priority, too. No one can pour from an empty cup! So cheers, fellow momma. Make time for YOU.

Happy birthday to my beloved, Scorpio zumba sisters, who know how to have a good time...and at the same time, they remain devoted mothers that balance their responsibi­lities well. You all rock!

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