Sun.Star Cagayan de Oro

Lessons from Mobile Legends


Iam what you call the last-to-ride-the-bandwagon kind of person. Getting hooked with what’s latest and hot is not my thing ever since I can remember. I only read best selling books long after they are sold like hotcakes and fall in line at movie houses on the second week of blockbuste­r films. You get the picture, right?

Mobile Legends the online mobile game is not spared. I only jumped in to the craze when I had the chance to help organize a small weekend tournament in a mall in Davao weeks ago. There I got curious what this game really is all about and found out why do people of a wide age range seem to get so caught up with this craze.

Since then I have not missed a day playing the online game with an average of 1 hour per day. Yes, that is a noob compared to most people’s screen time but hey, I have learned some lessons from playing all these.

Here’s my enlightenm­ent so far:

1. Patience is still a virtue

In this online virtual battlefiel­d, one’s patience is tested to the nth level. It takes patience to understand the rigors of the whole app and how one can use heroes efficientl­y. One must be able to taste defeat to reap the sweet rewards of victory. Plus, there are moments of the day where the internet connection is your enemy. This downtime causes you to come up with poor outcomes and results in the rankings, sometimes to the point of being banned from joining matches even if it’s not your fault. No wonder you hear people curse, get dismayed, and frustrated to the verge of madness. So there, if you want to see a person’s patience, let him or her play Mobile Legends and let us see how far this person can go beyond breaking point.

2. No hero must go to battle alone Technicall­y, the game is to be played as an individual player, however, this does not mean you no longer need to team up or forge alliances. Barging into battle solo is tantamount to suicide. In this game, I realize fights are better won when you have someone backing you up and you rely on other people’s strengths and cover up for them in terms of distress as well. I play with a squad that I know of personally, but I also get to play with total strangers. There, the challenge is more difficult since we do not have time to strategize or come up with a game plan. The beauty of it though is that you get to know them as the match goes on.

3. Focus, Breath, and enjoy (cuss-free) Before I learned to play the game, I was one of those wondering what’s so fun about this that they are so engrossed for hours. Now I know why. Being inside the virtual world, you become someone with supernatur­al powers and do things you never get to do in real life. More than that, you learn how to focus, strategize, and assess your skills that are useful for the situation at hand. It also allows you to enjoy a world far from reality and relive childhood fantasies of flying and wearing armors and help save the world.

Now that I am a Mobile Legends convert, I can say I have enjoyed the game and admired the developers for coming up with such an engaging mobile game to enjoy on idle times. For those who are still on the other side, I am not here to lure you in, but I am just expressing the good side of this smartphone phenomenon. Yes, there are disadvanta­ges and I am aware of it however, like most things in life, we take it in moderation or it will become the pill that sucks the life out of us.

Now, let me go back online. The battlefiel­d is waiting.

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