Sun.Star Cagayan de Oro

On crime prevention


Every time a crime happens, the police are easily blamed for not doing something to prevent it. The public sometimes give the worst comments which can be very demoralizi­ng to the police organizati­on.

The police force admits that the maintenanc­e of peace and order and assurance of public safety and security are our main duty. By these reasons, the police are working round the clock to implement the strategies and tactics being formulated to address the different peace and order situation of different areas in this city. The checkpoint­s, police visibility using mobile and foot patrol, operation Kap-Kap and sita, anti-illegal drugs operation, intelligen­ce gathering, coordinati­ng with the Barangay to use their tanods and force multiplier­s, conduct of massive informatio­n disseminat­ion and awareness and many other programs were used just to assure the safety and security of the city. At present, the police is working 12 hours per shift just to maximize the police presence in the streets and extend our tour of duty for the sake of peace and order.

Yet all these efforts are not an assurance to prevent crimes. Crimes still happen no matter how good the strategies and tactics are being applied because of the diversity of our behavior. As long as there are evil intentions in this world, crime will not stop occurring in our lives. I remembered the statement of former US President Barrack Obama: “We can’t stop crime because there are evil in this world.” This statement refreshes my mind that crimes are even found in the narratives in the bible. The first crime was committed by the first generation of mankind when Adam and Eve were tempted by Satan. Then it was followed by the killing of Abel by his brother Cain out of jealousy. The existence of crime is felt in all generation­s.

Crimes still exist because of evil intentions which can be likened to Satan waiting for the perfect time to strike. This is supported in 1 Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (KJV).

The police and the community need to accept the evil aspect of this world. That ever since the humankind began, crime has always been a reality. All we have to do is to work hand in hand to fight against criminal elements. The police are already doing our part by implementi­ng the anti criminalit­y strategies and tactics everyday. What we need to work out now is how the public can do their share.

In crime prevention, the public need to accept that they have a huge role to do to keep away from crime. This can be done by taking precaution­ary security measures in all their endeavour. The crime triangle can explain to us why a crime can happen. The crime triangle has three factors that create a criminal act, these are; desire, target, and opportunit­y. The desire and the target are always clear on the part of the criminals. Opportunit­y on the other hand is under the control of the people. If the public will not give criminals the opportunit­y to be their victim then the crime will not happen at all. How can the public do that? Again, this can be done by taking precaution­ary security measures at all times.

For an instance the recent robbery incident that transpired at LBC NeriVelez St Branch. If they only implement security measures for their establishm­ent by having security guards and steel grills, there is less likely for them to be robbed. They are even already aware that their establishm­ent is prone for robbery, still they refuse to improve their security system.

It is clear that the police can’t afford to secure everyone individual­ly because of manpower reason, that is why the public need to protect themselves. After all precaution­s are for your own good.

Just remember always that there is no crime if there is no victim of crime. Don’t give criminals an opportunit­y.

In addition, there is no perfect security measure. Sometimes there are gaps in your security system or our vulnerabil­ities get exposed. Just remember if you think that you are about to be a victim of crime, don’t put your life at risk over your material possession­s. Your life is more important than any material thing.

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