Sun.Star Cagayan de Oro

Calizo to revisit CCTV ordinance


Courier company LBC has complied with the long-overdue request of security officials here as they already employed security guards to prevent another robbery incident from happening.

City Councilor Romeo

Calizo, chairperso­n of the committee on police, fire, and public safety has lauded LBC for finally complying their request to intensify its security measures, noting that security guards in place in an establishm­ent is a major deterrent to crimes.

Next, Calizo said he wants to revisit the closed-circuit television (CCTV) ordinance and the security guard ordinance in the city.

For the CCTV law, Calizo said that while it required every establishm­ent to put up CCTV, it did not however stipulate the “technical aspect”, such as identifyin­g the proper or strategic areas where the CCTVs should be put in place.

Calizo said CCTVs are useless if this is not positioned strategica­lly.

He said he is also curios why some establishm­ents refuse to employ security guards.

“These are our next steps and hopefully we can amend some provisions that should be applicable right now.” he added.

Meanwhile, City Councilor Jay Pascual for his part said companies like LBC who deals with money everyday should pattern their security to that of banks.

Pascual said it might not be enough to have only one security personnel.

Calizo said this suggestion will be considered and urged all city councilors to join the deliberati­ons of his committee on these issues. PJ Orias

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