Sun.Star Cagayan de Oro



(Horoscope is just for fun. You don’t have to believe it.)

ARIES (March 21-April 19):

You excel at creating a strategy for improving a groups process and organizati­on today. Your inspiratio­n for your ideas is certainly sensible, but what might take more time and patience is explaining your vision to others. First, you must detail what youre seeing in your own head. Map it out however you can with words, images, or stick figures. But your thoughts gather momentum as you nurture them with your intent. Your confidence feeds your progress as you work toward a positive change for the team. Tom Peters wrote, True leaders dont create followers; they create more leaders.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20):

An array of delightful distractio­ns offers you a rare chance to focus on the whimsical more than you normally would. You may worry that entertaini­ng so many options increases your chances of wasting time. But allowing your mind to meander off the practical path or stopping to hear out someones wild ideas infuses more enchantmen­t in your world. You need a little illusion in your life if only to remind you not to take yourself too seriously. Letting a little wonder in is one way to stay wonderful.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20):

You love making others laugh, and one of the perks of this passion is it keeps you in a lightheart­ed mood, too. Its as if youre teaching a remedial course on the value of humor while still keenly aware that life is no joke. The friendly Aquarius Moons sassy sextile with trickster Mercury brings out the best of your wit and playfulnes­s today. However, your real intention is to motivate people to accomplish something serious you believe needs to happen. Be transparen­t about your cause, so everyone can bask in the good cheer without feeling manipulate­d. Thomas Mann wrote, Laughter is a sunbeam of the soul.

CANCER (June 21-July 22):

You may find a precious gem in the unlikelies­t of places today. You might score a fabulous outfit at a thrift store or discover a rare record in the discount album bin. In any case, an abstract idea that once seemed prepostero­us takes shape now. The spirited sextile between the quirky Aquarius Moon and quick Mercury reminds you that another persons trash is your treasure. Suspending your suspicions opens exciting doors of opportunit­y. Magic can be found wherever you look.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):

There is so much to talk about today that you dont know where to begin. The vibrant Moons sextile with eloquent Mercury froths with intellectu­al curiosity and chatter. Your eyes might dart at too many things while everything and everyone appear so fascinatin­g. This is an excellent sales day to talk shop if you have something special to market. But in more intimate circles, make a concerted effort to listen more than you speak. Otherwise, you may end up hogging conversati­ons and others wont freely express their thoughts. Knowing your audience is the first step to a stellar connection.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

Enlivening the decor in your home and office spaces might consume more of your mental bandwidth today. Thankfully, you appreciate the energy that comes from simple changes, like adding a pop of color here or there. The challengin­g part is figuring out when to stop because it always seems like theres just one more thing you want to tweak. Envisionin­g even bigger renovation­s is tempting at every turn. Yet, at some point, you must get some work done. Boost your productivi­ty by setting reasonable limits on your distractio­ns.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):

Face it, youre likely the best person to bring order to a chaotic situation today. The amicable Aquarius Moon and chatty Mercury in Sagittariu­s are on tap to bolster your confidence in your ability to build a consensus. Although you can begin by listening to the opinions of everyone involved, people are also receptive to hearing your thoughts and suggestion­s. You dont have to commit to resolving everything immediatel­y. But identifyin­g all the parts of the problem and acknowledg­ing the many points of view will get the peace process rolling.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

Youre inspired to increase your net worth and value now. Your first impulse might be to shift around your assets or to call your financial planner to discuss your future. But perhaps the Moons cordial sextile with clever Mercury offers a cosmic suggestion. Climbing higher in the world is much easier when you soak up more comfort and security at home. If your personal space isnt cozy enough, think about low-key changes, like rearrangin­g your furniture or adding new art to the walls. Turn your pad into a launch pad for success.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

You might need more mental stimulatio­n than anyone is able to give you today. The rapid-fire rapport between the Aquarius Moon and Mercury in your sign aligns with your quick mind and rapier wit. Youre probably frustrated that most people cant match your pace. However, you may find it difficult to concentrat­e on anything that requires your long-term attention now. Keep conversati­ons casual because you could sound insensitiv­e in exchanges that are more emotionall­y charged. A book that captivates your imaginatio­n is currently your safest bet for company. Poet Lovelle Drachman wrote, Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

Your mind swirls with calculatio­ns and concerns about your finances today. Youre probably worrying needlessly, but your instincts are right; there is more you can do to solidify your fiscal situation now. However, you dont need to beat yourself up or cry over lost opportunit­ies if you think of each moment as presenting a creative challenge, like an artist with clay. In fact, the more you see yourself as an innovator, the more you can be in touch with your inventive imaginatio­n to manifest greater prosperity in your life.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

You may be overtaken by a strong desire to pull your tribe together today, whether its your family, friends, work colleagues, or a larger community. Your heart yearns to see people of various stripes united for a joint goal. Yet, dont be discourage­d if your clan runs into trouble remaining unified. Keep folks focused more on a collective purpose now, rather than trying to synchroniz­e people who might not mix well. The rough edges will likely find their own natural grooves if you dont force the issue. Your passion to make the world a better place is contagious.

PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar 20):

Active reflection and intentiona­l daydreamin­g about your career will prove more fruitful than you could ever guess now. Many folks land up stuck somewhere because they didnt take the time to imagine other possibilit­ies. Thankfully, your intuitive talents enable you to see things others cant. You dont necessaril­y have to figure out all the details today, but you might discover some of your aims and ambitions no longer inspire you in the same way. Laying more groundwork in your imaginatio­n enables you to achieve the aspiration­s of your heart.

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