Sun.Star Cagayan de Oro




1 pulled / dragged 5 profession / occupation 9 springlike / fresh 14 the seed that grows to become an oak tree 15 ma’s mate 16 comfort / relieve 17 passage through or across 19 cuts or splits open 20 perched / saved for the future 21 becomes musty or insipid 22 glued / adhered 23 pulls a long face / mopes 24 prepositio­n 26 not down 27 pluralizin­g suffix 28 smugness: conceit / self-respect: delight in 29 a unit 30 senior 31 merrily 32 Registered Nurse 33 veggie in a pod 35 curtails / shortens 36 anent 37 expressing surprise, suspicion, triumph 38 year 39 a county 40 expose / display / present 42 niche / respite 44 jumbled letters to read ‘losers’ 45 (naut) stop / cease 46 given freely / ample / broad-minded 47 jumbled letters to read ‘lien’ 48 perform / carry out 49 merge / become one 50 elegant / stylish 52 high regard for / greatly respect 53 doctrine / belief / principle


1 strained / stiffened up 2 completes ‘either’ 3 she is to Argentina as Imelda is to the Philippine­s 4 prefix indicating ‘separation,’ ‘cessation’ 5 siesta / light sleep 6 measures of land / large quantity 7 special pan / oven 8 jumbled letters to read ‘ernest’ 10 recount / to have some connection to 11 brads / tacks / fixes securely 12 jumbled letters to read ‘east’ 13 thing learned / moral 15 point / part 18 the inherited instinctiv­e impulses of an individual as of the unconsciou­s 19 applicatio­n of the mental faculties to the acquisitio­n of knowledge 21 dirties / pollutes 22 young dog / conceited or arrogant young man 23 chief; most important / first-rate 25 pertaining to or like a fetus 28 arranges in couples / puts together 29 prepositio­n 30 South America 31 grain to ground / a source of profit or advantage 32 a fantastic notion / daydream 34 a short journey on somebody’s behalf to take a message, collect goods/ task 35 a propositio­n to be maintained or proved /dissertati­on 36 feel embittered / begrudge 37 a section in New York City, New York (USA) 39 a weighing machine or device / ranking; hierarchy 40 strong and sturdy especially in physique or constructi­on / hale and hearty 41 uplift / exhilarate 43 always / eternal 44 musical note 46 ‘_ _ _ _ _ _ and behold’ 48 tint / color 51 street / saint 52 Electrical Engineer

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