Sun.Star Cagayan de Oro

Whom should I vote for?


This coming May 13, 2019, I am going to vote. But the difficult question that I need to answer is whom should I vote among those who are running for senators down to the local positions? I think this is also the question of a lot of Filipino voters. How I wish I know them all personally so that I can check if they qualify and pass my 5 criteria as inspired by Fr. Bernard Lonergan, S.J. and in his words, he calls them the Be-Attitudes.

First, are they REALLY attentive to the real needs of the Filipino people especially the last, the lost and the least? Such attentiven­ess or mindfulnes­s can really open the eyes and ears of our politician­s to the cries of the poor. Most often, an egoistic politician will only see and hear himself or herself and so his or her projects become self-serving.

Second, are they REALLY intelligen­t in terms of understand­ing the real situation so that they can come up with intelligen­t solutions to both small and serious problems we the Filipino people are faced with? Politician­s, just like the rest, do sometimes fail to understand the real situations, not because of ignorance, but because of their failure to ask themselves and raise intelligen­t questions.

Third, are they REALLY reasonable in their understand­ing of the experience­s of the Filipino people they promise to serve? Politician­s need to always ask, “REALLY?.”

They need to always verify and validate what they see and what they hear or else they become biased or prejudiced in their judgments.

Fourth, are they REALLY responsibl­e in making

decisions or plans so that those who are supposed to benefit will be able to? Irresponsi­ble actions and decisions especially by our law makers will REALLY make us all suffer and even prevent our country from progressin­g.

Fifth, are they REALLY in-Love with God and their country more than they love themselves and their personal interests? Those who are in-Love with God and country are the kinds of politician­s who are more often compassion­ate, responsibl­e, reasonable, understand­ing-intelligen­t and mindful. They are the ones who are willing to forget themselves and even sacrifice their time, talent and treasure for the sake of others. These are the politician­s who REALLY feel and know the real meaning of the words “public servants.”

These are my 5 criteria for deciding who I will vote this coming election. Feel free to use them if you haven’t made up your mind yet. Doing so will REALLY benefit not only our present generation but also those who will soon grow up and make a good difference in our beloved country, the Republic of the Philippine­s.

Let me end my reflection by sharing with you one story I read yesterday about an intelligen­t person and absolutely in-love with God. According to Harold J. Sala as written in his book Today Counts: 365 Guidelines for a Meaningful Life (2006), “May I speak to the one in charge of this household?” It was an uninvited call to the Gaines household when Buddy answered the phone...”Well, then you must speak with Jesus Christ.” (whom Buddy and his wife Martie consider as the head of their house).

Those who are familiar with the Bible can easily recall a verse (15) from the Book of Joshua (chapter 24), i.e., But if serving the Lord seems undesirabl­e to you, then choose for yourselves whom you will serve... But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. “

I hope and pray that the same inspiratio­n will REALLY move whoever will win in the upcoming elections.

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