Sun.Star Cagayan de Oro

Internatio­nal Day of Families


IN 1993, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly declared May 15 as the Internatio­nal Day of Families (IDF). The UN states that the IDF “reflects the importance the internatio­nal community attaches to families and their role in developmen­t.” The observance is spearheade­d by UN’s Division for Inclusive Social Developmen­t of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the Global Communicat­ions Civil Society.

This year’s celebratio­n focuses on the theme “Families and Climate Action Focus on SDG13.”

Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goal (SDG) 13 is taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

In the 2019 observance of IDF, it seeks to put into spotlight the major SDG13 targets. One of the targets is to include the integratio­n of climate

change measures into the national policies, strategies, and planning.

Another major target of SDG 13 is improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutio­nal capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning.

In developing what to discuss to families in terms of climate change, the way they communicat­e this must be understood by a majority of the Filipinos. By explaining to them in simple terms, will allow Filipino families to understand what climate change is and how it is affecting their lives.

By being able to understand the urgency to act on climate change, the families will understand the importance of their role in mitigating its effects. This will allow families to make better choices in the items they use at their homes or adapting to a greener lifestyle.

On the other side of the globe, there will be a civil society briefing at the UN Headquarte­rs in New York, United States.

The forum will tackle topics on inter-generation­al approach to sustainabi­lity; sustainabl­e developmen­t education & practice; sustainabl­e family farming from an indigenous perspectiv­e; and “greening the blue” and other good practices at the United Nations and beyond.

Here in the Philippine­s, agencies and institutio­ns like the Department of Social Welfare and Developmen­t, Council for the Welfare of Children, and UN Children’s Fund in the Philippine­s will organize events in supprot to the IDF in the Philippine­s.

A lot of things are happening around us that may have transforme­d and evolved the dynamics of families. Hence, the UN continues to uphold and recognize the family as an important unit of the society.

The IDF provides an opportunit­y to promote awareness of issues relating and affecting families. It aims to increase their knowledge of the social, economic, and demographi­c processes affecting them, including the global environmen­t.

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