Sun.Star Cebu - Sun.Star Cebu Weekend

The 10 Commandmen­ts of Drinking

- Text: Christian Jay B. Quilo SunStar Weekend Writer

The social custom of drinking – whether it’s a night out in a fancy club or a chill rendezvous over at a friend’s house – is a great way to bond with friends and family, catching up and enjoying great company over a bottle or three of a delicious spirit. But with alcohol involved, the situation comes with a set of rules to make sure the night goes just as smoothly as the liquor down your throat. Here are 10 sacred commandmen­ts of drinking one should always keep in mind.

Put away your phone.

Drunk texting an ex or a crush is the stuff of probably every cutesy rom-com out there, but it’s probably best if we leave that in the films. Unless you can make up a credibly good excuse the next day (while nursing a hangover), detach from your phone and only use it if it’s an emergency.

Wait for your turn.

If it’s a shared glass kind of situation, let’s be civilized people and patiently wait for our turn. We’re all thirsty and excited for a drink, so no swiping anybody’s turn.

Don’t take too long to finish your drink.

In relation to the previous rule, if it is your turn with the glass, don’t hold up the line. You can still savor the drink without having to take your precious time.

Eat a decent meal beforehand.

Drinking on an empty stomach is a bad idea because alcohol is absorbed faster, thus, you get drunk faster. So before you get a little too excited with those shots, don’t forget to get dinner first.

Know your limits.

Unless you’re gunning for the Guinness World Record for most shots taken under an hour, pace yourself. So if you feel like you’ve had enough, then stop.

Don’t drink and drive.

On a more serious note, if you know you’re going to have a long night of drinking, just take a cab home (accompanie­d preferably) or have a sober friend drive you home.

Don’t take drinks from strangers.

Even if it’s a Brad Pitt lookalike or a person who looks like someone you would swipe right on Tinder, do not accept free drinks unless you saw it firsthand made by the bartender and handed to you directly. Call it paranoia, but it’s better to err on the side of caution.

Keep yourself in check.

Getting drunk is not a valid excuse to go wild frat boy on the group. If you do, then you’ve probably had too much already. You don’t want to be persona non grata at the next get- together.

Stay hydrated.

Hydrated with water, I mean. Drink water in between shots to slow down and keep a hangover at bay.

Pitch in.

Unless it’s been explicitly made clear that it’s someone’s treat, split the bill or cost with everybody or pay for your own drinks. Don’t be the freeloader. No, a mere “Thank you” will not suffice.

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