Sun.Star Cebu

Biñas suspended over harassment complaint


THE Police Regional Office (PRO) 7 has suspended a police official of the Cebu Provincial Police Office (CPPO) over allegation­s that he harassed a news correspond­ent.

Chief Supt. Marcelo Garbo Jr., the PRO 7 director, confirmed in a phone interview last night that he handed the decision to bar Supt. Henry Biñas from performing his duties.

Biñas is currently the Cebu Provincial Police Office (Cppo)-provincial Investigat­ion and Detective Management Branch (PIDMB).

When Biñas was still the chief of the Talisay City Police Station in February 2011, news correspond­ent Carmel Matus accused the police official of harassing her.

Matus filed an administra­tive complaint at the PRO 7.

In an earlier report, Biñas said he only held Matus on her shoulder when she and fellow reporter Robert Sabequil of dymf Bombo Radyo were leaving his office in the morning of Feb. 8.

The two were getting Biñas’s comment on a recent incident involving Joavan, the son of Talisay City Mayor Socrates Fernandez.

Biñas said it was merely a friendly act with no malicious intent.

In her affidavit, Matus said the police official allegedly pulled her close, put a hand on her breast and attempted to kiss her cheek. But Biñas said he only held Matus on her shoulder.

For his part, Sabequil recalled he had already stepped out of Biñas’s office when he noticed that Matus went back after the interview.

He said the door was ajar so that one could see the interior of the office from outside. Moments later, Matus got out and quickly caught up with him.

Sabequil said he had no idea of any harassment that took place inside because Matus was in a good mood when she boarded his motorcycle on their way to Talisay City Hall.

Biñas, in a phone interview, said he has not yet received the official order from Garbo.

“Kon maoy desisyon, respetoan namo (If that’s the decision, we will respect it),” he said.

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