Sun.Star Cebu

Pig holiday


HOG growers and meat dealers in the country, claiming billions of pesos in losses with the influx of cheaper pork imports, are planning to stage a nationwide “pig holiday.”

If this pushes through, pigs all over the country would get a temporary reprieve.

But people who love to eat pork adobo and humba and the small meat dealers in public markets would have their postLenten fast. Government officials, on the other hand, are proposing the holding of a pork festival instead of a pig holiday.

Pork buyers will be given discounts on that day.

Talisay City already has its annual Lechon Festival. Why not have a national cholestero­lloading day? But there’s a bigger and better pork holiday.

If all our congressme­n and senators would give up their pork barrel, the nation’s coffers will be able to save more than P27 billion.

No bogus foundation in Metro Manila would be able to get P7.8 million from the pork barrel of a lawmaker from Cebu.

*** Talking about pigs reminded me of a story of a man named Hogg who was brought before a judge for trial of a criminal offense punishable in the territory by hanging.

Hogg noticed that the judge’s name was Bacon, so he tried to point out to him that maybe, Hogg and Bacon are related.

“Certainly not,” said the stern judge. “Hog is not bacon until it’s hung.” Lapu-lapu City Mayor Paz Radaza has ordered round-theclock police watch on the two Mactan-mandaue bridges after one man jumped from the old Mandaue-mactan bridge and instead killed another man who had just emerged from the water after spear fishing under the bridge.

The man tried his best but he failed miserably. He even killed another man in trying to commit suicide.

On suicide, it seems the lesson is: Never try.

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