Sun.Star Cebu

Filipinos waste 300T tons of rice each year: journal


MANILA—THE Philippine­s, one of the world’s biggest importers of rice, could go a long way to achieving its elusive goal of self-sufficienc­y simply by wasting less, a global research institute said.

An average of five cups of steamed rice is cooked daily for every Filipino but nine grams (three tablespoon­s) of this is wasted, according to the Internatio­nal Rice Research Institute based in Laguna.

These morsels add up to more than 300,000 tons a year, or 36 percent of the country’s rice imports in 2011, the institute said in a report in its quarterly journal, Rice Today.

“Why buy that much rice for the table when a sig- nificant amount is thrown away, taking with it all the nutrients and energy that rice can give?” the report said.

“Middle-class families tend to waste more than lowincome families. Apparently, the more people have, the more they waste,” it said.

The magazine quoted Flordeliza Bordey, an economist at the institute’s local counterpar­t, the state-run Philippine Rice Research Institute, as calling for a nationwide campaign to change Filipinos’ wasteful consumptio­n patterns.

“Save rice, save lives,” should be the message of the campaign, Bordey said.

Imports peaked at 1.8 million tons in 2008 during a global shortage triggered by poor harvests and bad weather. Successive government­s have declared intentions to achieve rice self-sufficienc­y and failed.

Some of the problems have been poor farming techniques and frequent typhoons that have devastated vital rice-growing areas. But corruption, in which officials benefit from importing rice, and a lack of decisive government action to feed the country’s booming population, are generally regarded as other factors.

The current administra­tion has announced a target of 2013 to end rice imports, and embarked on a program to achieve this by introducin­g high-yielding varieties and better farming techniques.

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