Sun.Star Cebu

Casti’s raised finger


IT wasn't the Duterte finger: Davao City Vice Mayor Rudy Duterte in 2011 raised his middle finger at critics of his daughter Mayor Sara Duterte who had punched a court sheriff.

Rudy repeatedly raised his middle finger at newspaper columnists and human rights advocates. Media recorded images of the vice mayor's anger.

Neither was it the Locsin finger: then newspaper editor Teddyboy Locsin in 1985 gave "the bird" to strikers at San Miguel Corp.

Teddyboy was booed by the workers. His response was caught by camera and landed on Page 1 of "Manila Chronicle."

No, Lionel Marco Castillano's gesture, the index finger held up, wasn't dirty. He had no contempt for anyone. But like Duterte's and Teddyboy's, the picture ended up in the papers and on TV news shows.

It wasn't obscene but Casti was provincial election officer and he was photograph­ed with One Cebu Party's candidate for governor, PJ Garcia, his wife and two kids. Casti said he was egging one child to raise the

One Cebu sign, the raised finger indicating "#1." CDN's Tonee Despojo who took the photo affirmed Casti's account.

Innocent as it was, Casti's gesture made LPs think the election officer placed his bets on One Cebu.

Another video

But check out another news video of Casti showing a party sign, this time the LP's (raised index finger and stuck-out thumb or "L") as he accepted the COC of Tining Martinez, LP bet for congressma­n in Cebu's 4th district.

Casti was being "game," if a tad naive, unaware that as political fever soars, combatants suspect everyone who is, or doesn't appear to be, on their side.

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