Sun.Star Cebu

Acne myths debunked


Everyone likes to believe he or she is an expert when it comes to acne. But truth be told, that kind of wisdom is not likely perfected through age or frequency of acquaintan­ce (with acne) alone. So unless there is a medical proof to a claim, it is really hard to assert knowing acne thoroughly.

Surprising­ly, there are a lot of myths about acne that keeps circulatin­g—and fooling many— without actually carrying authentici­ty. Well, myth would not be defined by as “unproved or false collective belief” for nothing.

Thus, if only to be helpful, the following are some enlighteni­ng facts that debunks some acne myths (from

Choco, pizza, French fries

Just because many teens “dote” on these socalled “acne foods” does not mean the problem solely falls on them. Neither is it right to blame these foods just because a lot of acne-prone teens tend to consume them. The truth is acne is not always caused by what a person eats, thus anyone should feel free to have a piece of pizza or occasional candy bar with peace of mind.

You don’t wash your face enough

Believing that washing the face twice a day with gentle cleanser is wise. But to assume that those with acne don’t wash their face enough is false thinking. Acne comes from far below the skin’s surface. It is using harsh exfoliator­s and scrubs that can trigger spread of bacteria causing future breakouts.

Acne is only a teen problem

To reiterate what has been said earlier, acne is not exclusive for the teenage bracket. Sadly, young adults can still be affected since adult acne is also a common occurrence. Dealing with acne in your late 20s or 30s should only entail occasional few breakouts. Otherwise, you might need to go to the dermatolog­ist.

Nothing will get rid of acne

Of course not! Acne is treatable with the right products and medicines, that you will learn best through a visit to a dermatolog­ist. Getting over the counter products may not always work for everybody so it is still best to consult the expert and let them decide on what is best for you.

Sunbathing will remove acne

No, acne does not have solar phobia (or whatever the fear of sun is called). Unprotecte­d sun exposure will only cause premature aging. Tan skin may hide redness, but there is no way it drives away the acne. So just deal with it wisely.


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