Sun.Star Cebu




[1] THE TAKEOVER -- Order to suspend Gov. Gwen Garcia served; Vice Gov. Agnes Magpale installed as acting governor; Gwen starts sleeping over in her office, declaring she won’t leave it; Agnes starts managing the Capitol

[2] THE SIEGE/BARRICADE -- Police control entry and exit points of Capitol compound, giving alternatin­g pictures of troops laying a siege and Gwen and her camp barricadin­g themselves because of shifting rumors that Gwen’s supporters would storm Capitol and police would bodily remove Gwen

-- Exchange of charges between Gwen and Agnes camps: an oppressive “power grab,” says Garcia camp; an act of contempt and defiance against the president, says the Magpale camp

[3] COURT BATTLE, STREET PROTESTS -- Aside from petition with Court of Appeals asking for a TRO, both camps swap charges, mostly between police and the governor’s son and brother -- Skirmishes on legal issues, in and off the courts, accompanie­d by competitio­n for public opinion waged in press-cons and demonstrat­ions and religious services, amid sound bites, buzzwords, and catchphras­es pitching messages to the public


-- Probable twists in plot before impasse is resolved:

>> C.A. will issue a TRO or deny it, in which case Gwen may go to Supreme Court;

>> Pending litigation, Gwen will continue her 24/7 stay at Capitol and Agnes will go on running the LGU from Legislativ­e Building

>> Gwen might decide to dance at the Sinulog next Sunday, which case she might opt to return to Capitol or go home and end the stand-off; Agnes hinted police wouldn’t use force, whatever move Gwen chooses


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